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Stages of Negotiation, How to Manage Conflicts, and Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Essay Instructions:

800-1000 Words- You are about to embark on an international negotiation. You work for a multinational oil company, and your company has decided to set up a joint venture with Saudi Arabia and another one with a company in Russia. You are leading the negotiations.
What are the 5 stages of negotiations, and how are you going to prepare for them?
Is the preparation different with each country?
What cultural differences do need to be sensitive to in the process?
For example, what would you expect from the Arab negotiator versus the Russian negotiator who will be working with you, the American negotiator.
What would be some of the political, legal, economic, and ideological issues that may come up?
How would you manage conflict if it should come up in the negotiations?
What decision making process would work better with the two different cultures?
Inductive or deductive reasonign? Is it a personal issue or a cultural issue?

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Stages in International Negotiation
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Negotiation is a process of securing an agreement between parties with different needs and goals; each benefits from establishing an agreement though the balance of power (Weiss, 1999). The aim of negotiations is to get a win-win situation. The process of negotiation involves five stages that need the negotiator to prepare adequately. Preparations for these phases are the same though they may differ slightly to accommodate cultural setups (Yap & Standen, 2013). The initial stage is the preparation phase. Here, the involved parties organize and accumulate relevant information for active negotiations. Therefore, both sides carry out investigations to get adequate information that adds validity to their claims (Yap & Standen, 2013). Adequate preparation entails, having relevant facts, economic issues, and legal or political issues (Weiss, 1999). In addition, the planning phases the party considers the start and end-points of the interaction. Finally, preparation believes the eventuality of the interaction, what happens in an agreement or fail. In preparation stage, the focus will be the needs of the organization. I will identify the internal strength and the focus of the issues we want to win. I will familiarize myself with the Russian and Arabic negotiation skills and culture so that I can be in the forefront in win. I will study the presumed claims for the Russian and the Arabian organizations and develop strategies to win them Then, there is the stage of establishment of negotiator identities and tone for interaction. At this phase, interaction with the goal of knowing each other starts, setting pace for the whole negotiations (Weiss, 1999). Initially small talks on relevant topics establish mutual acquaintance. This part takes few minutes before the discussion begins. Here I will use my time to study the other negotiators. I will gather the style of their mannerism and factual presentation and negotiation skills. I will create a cooperative atmosphere be polite as I prepare for the negotiation skills. The third stage is the information exchange phase. Here, substantive issues to be negotiated starts to emerge. Each side focuses on the other as they try to determine what to address (Yap & Standen, 2013). As the parties discuss new information discloses, that enable the parties to make better verbal leaks inferentially disclose valuable information. For this phase, I will employ broad, open-ended questions to elicit long and precise needs of my opponents. Then I will recruit narrow issues to elicit responses from the candidates. Besides, I will listen carefully to note the moves of the opponents. Then there is the stage of distributive phase. After serious engagement, matters shift back to own side. The negotiators stop asking the other party what they want and instead focus on what they want (Weiss, 1999). Here value creation within the one party will determine the value claim. Setting goals and bottom lines is crucial before entering this phase. In preparation for this stage, I will review the interests of my organization in consideration to the competitive aspect of the negotiation. The I will prepare for an offer that will be in line to my gathered information.
Finally, there is the agreement phase. Here parties set arrangements as the close the negotiations (Yap & Standen, 2013). This stage is calm since both sides want to close the deal(Weiss, 1999). Finally, when the agreement is achieved both sides shake hands at the end of the accord. At this phase, preparations include staying calf and proceeding with moderation. I will be confident with my offer and wait for the opponents to make the conclusive position and move a deal towards them. Cultural Differences that Negotiator Needs to be Sensitive to When Dealing with the Russian. First, the Russians have low trust environment compared to the Americans. Therefore, the mediator should try to establish a trustworthy relationship for the deal to succeed. The negotiator should take adequate time to build a leve...
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