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Essay Instructions:

This is only the miniproject section of the whole project listed below. (miniproject - 6 pages long)

There are several essays within one assignment with different criteria. I have listed each of them below. In completing these assignments the university requires that you follow APA guidelines in preparing citations and references. Unit I Assignments Applications Complete the Applications section found in your textbook on pages 37 and 38, Staffing for Your Own Job. Read the instructions for the assignment and answer all six questions under the Applicant Perspective and the Organization Perspective. Each of these sections should be at least 500 words. Answer the last three questions under the Reactions to the Staffing Process. This section should be at least 300 words. The entire assignment should be at least 1500 words. Ethical Issues Complete the Ethical Issues question #2 found on page 37 in your textbook. You should complete your answer in Microsoft Word and use an additional resource other than your textbook when formulating your answer. Your answer should be at least 300 words. Unit II Assignments Applications Read the Applications case study found on page 81-83 in your textbook, Age Discrimination in a Promotion. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the two questions found at the top of page 83. Use Word to answer the questions. Each question should be answered separately and should be at least 500 words. Both questions should be submitted as one file. Ethical Issues Complete the Ethical Issues question #2 found on page 194 in your textbook. You should complete your answer in Microsoft Word and use an additional resource other than your textbook when formulating your answer. Your answer should be at least 300 words. Unit III Assignments Mini Project Explore 4-6 corporate websites that have a recruitment area and note their major features, strengths, and weaknesses. Create a table that contains: • the company name; • the website address; • features of their recruitment site; • strengths of the site; and • weaknesses of the site. Below your table, provide a description of the components you believe make up an effective recruitment website, and why. This description should be at least 300 words (not including the table). Applications Read the Applications case study found on page 305-306 in your textbook, Recruitment in a Changing Internal Labor Market. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the five questions found in the middle of page 306. Use Word to answer the questions. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 300 words but should be submitted as one file. Unit IV Assignment Applications Read the Applications case study found on page 359-361 in your textbook, Evaluation of Two New Assessment Methods for Selecting Telephone Customer Service Representatives. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the lower half of page 361. Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and should be at least 250 words, but should be submitted as one file. Unit V Assignments Applications 1 Read the applications case study found on page 417-419 in your textbook, Reference Reports and Initial Assessment in a Start-Up Company. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the four questions found in the lower half of page 418 and upper part of 419. Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and should be at least 250 words, but should be submitted as one file. Applications 2 Read the applications case study found on page 487-490 in your textbook, Assessment Methods for the Job of Human Resources Director. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the seven questions found in the lower half of page 488. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 100 words but should be submitted as one file. Unit VI Assignment Applications Read the applications case study found on page 532-533 in your textbook, Changing a Promotion System. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the lower half of page 533. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 300 words but should be submitted as one file. Unit VII Assignments Applications 1 Read the applications case study found on page 573-575 in your textbook, Choosing Entrants Into a Management Training Program. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the middle of page 574. (You will need to use the table on page 575 to help answer the questions.) Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 300 words but should be submitted as one file. Applications 2 Read the applications case study found on page 626-627 in your textbook, Evaluating a Hiring and Variable Pay Plan. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the six questions found in the bottom of page 627. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 150 words but should be submitted as one file. Unit VIII Assignments Applications 1 Read the applications problem found on page 676 in your textbook, Learning About Jobs in Staffing. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the five questions found in the middle of page 676. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 200 words but should be submitted as one file. Attach the job description as a PDF into your word document. Applications 2 Read the applications problem found on page 731-732 in your textbook Managerial Turnover: A Problem? Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the five questions found in the middle of page 732. Each question should be numbered, answered separately and should be at least 200 words but should be submitted as one file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Staffing Organizations
Course title:
Staffing Organizations
Unit Assignment III
Mini Project
Company NameWebsite AddressFeatures Strengths WeaknessesGeneral Motorshttp://jobs.gm.com/go/engineering-jobs/325520/Search engine. Matching jobs can be emailed to jobseeker.
Login SecuritySearch by date, title and location.
Attractive designOnly in English, unfriendly to international applicantsIBMhttps://jobs3.netmedia1.com/cp/search.jspRegistration, Search engine
Login SecurityAbility to send jobs updates to the job seeker. Easy registration process. Multi-lingualnoneBMW Grouphttp://bmwgroup.com/bmwgroup_prod/e/0_0_www_bmwgroup_com/karriere/karriere_2011.htmlRegistration
Search engine
Login SecurityIt also allows students, school leavers and graduates to apply, not just professionals.
Attractive designOnly in English, unfriendly to international applicantsWalmarthttp://careers.walmart.com/User registration. Search engine
Login SecurityEasy application process.
Attractive designOnly in English, unfriendly to international applicantsNBC Universal/Search engine
User registration
Login SecurityRegularly updated. Easy accounts creation process. Login Security CV uploadOnly in English, unfriendly to international applicants
Components that make up an effective recruitment website
For a corporate to effectively and successfully recruit the workforce it targets, it is necessary that the company’s recruitment website has the following attractive features as pointed by Williamson et al. (2010):
Search engine – There has to be an efficient search engine which will allow job applicants to search for jobs in terms of areas such as job type (graduate, internship or professional), job title (HR, Information technology, or accounting), and/or location (State, city, or town). This will enable the candidates or prospective employees to search for jobs that suit not only their qualifications but also their preferences.
An easy Sign up and application process – A recruiting website must have a sign up and an application feature that will allow job seekers to fill in their names, areas of interest and personal details such as contact and email addresses. This has to be designed so as to be as easy and as simple as possible so that job seeking applicants do not encounter any difficulties while in the application process.
Applicant’s profile page – Moreover, there should be applicant profile pages where available jobs that suit their qualifications are posted. This way, the applicant will not have to browse for available jobs every time he or she visits the website. Instead, he/she will just login and proceed to his or her profile page where jobs that suit his/her criteria would have been posted. The applicant will then easily view the available jobs that suit his/her qualifications and preferences.
Login feature for security – The website needs to have this feature whereby jobseekers will be able to login into the system using their unique username and password, and then proceed to their specific profile page where they should be able to view their details and edit if possible.
Ability to upload resume / CV – In addition, the website should allow job seekers to upload their resume or curriculum vitae (CV) together with any other necessary documents such as academic qualification certificates.
Views and feedback feature – The website needs to provide an avenue that will allow job seekers and even those who have successfully secured jobs through the website to give their opinions regarding their experience in using the website. These opinions and feedback from applicants will help the corporate to improve on their services for the better.
Should seniority be eliminated as an eligibility standard for bidding on job- meaning the two-year plus employees would no longer have priority?
Yes, the seniority should be eliminated as an eligibility standard for bidding on a job. This will level the playing field and allow employees from junior ranks especially those with less than two years of seniority to apply too, and hope to be considered for the vacant job position. In the recruitment and choosing of team leaders, there will be the need for the team leaders to have many KSAOs such as communication, interpersonal skills and advanced computer. This is even more important than seniority since the possession of these skills will help the team leaders to not only improve on efficiency, but also productivity which will be in turn very beneficial to the company. Since most of those employees with seniority of less than 2 years possess these vital skills, it is expedient that seniority should be eliminated as a sta...
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