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Staffing for the HR Department

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3: Staffing the HR Department

You are assessing the work design present in your selected company when you realize that you have not adequately reviewed the job descriptions, recruitment and selection methods the company currently uses. You will also need to make sure that the compensation and benefit packages are aligned with the company’s culture. At this point, you are realizing that you need immediate assistance, so you must start staffing your HR department.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1.Choose three (3) HR functions and assess the significance of each in adding value to your HR department in support of your company’s vision and mission. 

2.Write a job description for one (1) of the HR functions you selected. Determine the specific degree (e.g., associates, bachelors, or masters) and certifications (e.g., SHRM, HRCI, ATD, or WorldatWork) needed. Include the level and type of experience needed (e.g., industry, managerial, customer service, tenure, etc.). 

oNote: The job description should be incorporated into the paper and is counted towards the total page length requirement for this assignment.

oHint: You can use the Occupational Network website for assistance, located at http://www(dot)onetonline(dot)org/

3.Choose one (1) recruitment method and one (1) selection method you will use in order to attract the best quality candidates for these positions. Provide a rationale for your choices.

4.Develop a compensation and benefit package for the new HR Staff. Explain how this package will provide a high return on investment to the company.

oHint: Review the article “Creating a Smart Compensation Package” located at http://www(dot)entrepreneur(dot)com/article/77934 

5.Use at least six (6) quality academic resources in this assignment from within the past five (5) years. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

6.Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:

oBe typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

oInclude a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

oCite the resources you have used to complete the assignment. Note: You must have a minimum of six (6) resources for this assignment from within the past five (5) years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:


One of the most crucial departments in any organization is the human resources. This is the case relative to the fact that, it is a department that manages the most basic resource that any company relies on, human resources. This is a department that gives the organization the ability to meet the needs of the customers and building on the structure (Kerfoot, 2012).Employees are the most valuable resource to any company and when effectively managed can mean the difference between high performing companies and the loss making companies. As such, the human resources department is one of the most sensitive departments and requires quality strategies to ensure that efficiency is achieved and the ability to a deliver on the six functions. Getting the right employees is thus crucial, as they serve as guide map towards success (Kerfoot, 2012). If the company lays out strategies to enhance their ability to pick out qualifies candidates, this gives them a chance to become high performing. In the industry, having employees in the right frame of mind is crucial, relative to the high standards expected. As such, companies like Stamps. Com Inc. should have quality mechanisms that ensure they get the best qualified candidates each time they are hiring regardless of the level of management (Kerfoot, 2012).
Human Resources Functions
One of the major functions that are carried out by the human resources department involves the recruitment process. Employees play a major role in the development and growth of the company. Stamps. Com Inc. is one of the largest companies, and part of its success is attributable to the talented and dedicated employees that they have had over the years (Kerfoot, 2012). Recruitment does not just affect that use of resources at the company, but also the effectiveness of implementing strategies that bring about growth and development for the company (Darlington, 2011). Regardless of the brilliance of the strategic plan at the company, if the recruitment process does not capture the essence of quality and talented candidates, the plans are bound to fail and with them the company. If the company is to provide quality services to their clients amidst the high competition in the industry, they have to refine the recruitment process to capture the essence of their vision and mission. The candidates would have to be selected based on their ability to satisfy the mission statement and deliver on the vision of the company. Above all the employees recruited would have to be candidates that believe in the values at Stamps. Com Inc (Darlington, 2011).
One other function of the human resources department is in relation to employee relations. Labor, work environment and employee relations are crucial to the well-being of the company. This is an element that deals with the satisfaction of the employees at their place of work. Different places of work, relative to the work environment and the amount of support alongside the physical attributes of their environment can easily affect that morale in the staffs. Employee satisfaction is crucial to maintaining the high standards of work output that has come to be expected from the company (Darlington, 2011). Chance of having disgruntled staffs can easily translate to unsatisfied customers which in turn would affect the business. Complaints at the place of work are also part of the employee relations. There has to be channels that elucidate the various concerns that affect the staffs, which also ties in with employee satisfaction.
Employee relations at Stamps. Com Inc., will not only make sure that employees are satisfied with their work environment but will go long way into making sure that the customers are served diligently. In light of the demand placed on the company to deliver, it is thus crucial to ensure that the relationship between the employer and the employees is founded on solid grounds. Employees have to have a chance to collectively bargain agreements on interpretations relative to contracts. Maintaining quality relationships through solution of any conflict that takes place at the place of work is crucial. This creates a level playing field where all the employees are able to air their conflicts and get solutions which are not biased (Darlington, 2011).
The other function that is quite crucial and one that would easily affect the performance of the staffs at Stamps. Com Inc. is training and development. One of the main reasons that people join a given company and avoid others is the basic element of growth. Every other candidate is looking to grow in their career. Training enhances the abilities of the employee relative to the changing landscape in the industry.Employees need to continuously experience growth in their own capacities (Darlington, 2011). This way they do not feel as if they are just working for the sake of the company alone. It is important that the goals of the staffs and those of the company are aligned even during the training. As employees from the lower levels are promoted to new leadership positions, there is need for leadership training, to make sure that the staffs selected have the right skills to deliver and manage the others (Hyatt, 2012). At the same time the employees need professional training that is intune with the ability to serve the clients to their satisfaction and the general growth as a person (Darlington, 2011).
Human resources officer (Recruitment and Selection)
Responsible for ensuring that, all the aspects of recruitment as well as selection of the part-time and the permanent staffs are in order (Roberson, 2013). This means that they will be responsible for responses towards any enquiries on recruitment, taking an active role in assessments, preparing...
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