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Social Responsibility Pricing and Funding US Highways

Essay Instructions:

Please address each discussion on its own.
Discussion 1
Social Responsibility Pricing
The text discusses “Social responsibility pricing”. Some argue that a business cannot sustain itself if it practices social responsible pricing. Either defend social responsible pricing as a viable business practice or describe why you believe that social responsible pricing can lead to a company's demise.
Discussion 2
Funding Highways
Assess the current method of funding for highways. In addition, include your opinion of fairness as it relates to the trucking industry
Coyle, J., Novack, R.A., Gibson, B.J., & Barbi, E.J. (2011). Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective (7th ed). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-0-324-78919-5

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion 1The text discusses “Social responsibility pricing”. Some argue that a business cannot sustain itself if it practices social responsible pricing. Either defend social responsible pricing as a viable business practice or describe why you believe that social responsible pricing can lead to a company’s demise.According to Coyle, Novack, Gibson and Barbi (2011), socially responsible pricing is the provision of goods and services at a price that is lower than the norm, for the purposes of ethically assisting customers or the community in one way or the other. Companies and any other business entities can successfully run even with the application of social responsibility pricing. This is especially so, when it comes to the handling of catastrophes and natural disasters. During such events, logistical companies usually offer their services to the affected areas at greatly discounted prices. In some instances, even for free. Socially responsible pricing is still a viable form of business, since, during such times, these companies extend a great deal of assistance to the affected people and regions, something that can be considered great humanitarian gestures.
When it now comes to balancing out the expenses incurred during such times, these companies usually factor these costs into their budgets, but as expenses under services provided to the people during trying times. In cases of these logistical companies for example, they can simply take out at least a cent out of each transaction and credit it into the account apportioned for social responsibility. Tis account therefore, is specially designated for such disasters in such a way that it absorbs any of the unforeseen costs, thereby shielding the company from any financial turmoil.
The good thing about this is that in the e...
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