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Social Media Campaign of SweetGreens for the Month of November

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: Pretend that you are the new social media manager for Sweetgreens location (a popular fast-casual salad restaurant). You choose the city where where you are located (be sure to tell us where you are in your post).

Give us a brief overview of your social campaign for the month of November. No more than a paragraph, summarize the objective(s) of your campaign, and be sure to mention your target audiences.

Now give us a mock content calendar for the month of November. You are expected to suggest posts for both LinkedIn and Twitter (you may add more platforms if you like). Be sure to include at least one example of each: manual, bulk, autoscheduled and curated content.

You don’t have to be fancy ~ a list of dates will work. You can also download calendar templates, post links or images to your thread as you like.

Review your classmates ideas! What suggestions can you add for their calendar?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Campaign of November
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Due Date
Social Media Campaign of November
Overview of the Social Campaign
SweetGreens is a fast-casual salad restaurant, majorly selling its food to the people working in offices and those who visit malls and shopping centers. For November, the social campaign is to advertise the foods (or types of salads) sold in SweetGreens Restaurant. Notably, the campaign aims to increase sales and ensure the business's profitability. Therefore, as the social media manager, I will create the objectives and have a calendar for the daily activities within the group.
Objectives of The Campaign
To reach the target audience (office-based personnel, merchants, and shoppers), I will use social media platforms that these people frequently use. The leading platforms to be considered are Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I will post each platform twice every day, using different words and avoiding a promotional tone (Dolan et al., 2019). The aim is to arouse desire and ensure that people believe in the SweetGreens brand mission. To attract an active audience and ensure that they order products from the restaurant, I utilize visually appealing photos and eye-catching design posters. Further, I will also use influencers and create paid promotions for the social media pages (Klassen et al., 2018). Another aspect of connecting with people is to tag customers who visited the restaurant and get their testimonials.
Mock Calendar
I will consider posting pictures of salads provided on all platforms. I will be doing that every day to build interest and ensure that followers are active. Another aspect of enhancing engagement is to use humorous posts, such as visual memes. Curated content in-between days will also be where we will be reposting any exciting post that can catch our customers' eye. This kind of post will include memes of people who posted our photos and tagged them along. Email and SMS invites will be created to drive traffic to the website each Friday of the month for our loyal customers. Another consideration on positing is having a one-hour live session on Monday and Friday to promote special offers. I will be scheduling everyday activities using both auto-scheduling and doing it manually. A sample of it I have attached a spreadsheet.
Week 1

Task Name


Start Time

End Time


Content Curation

10 Minutes

8:00 AM

8:10 AM
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