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Social Media Campaign on Pad Bank App

Essay Instructions:

1. Mobile and Social Media Campaign (40%)
You  are  required  to  develop  a  mobile  and  social  media  campaign  that  informs  and/or persuades the target customers to engage more productively with the client’s business. The client  organization  (the  organization  for  which  you develop  the  mobile  and  social  media campaign) can be any for-profit firm or non-profit organization (NGO or a public institution), preferably  a  smaller  firm/organization  that  might  truly  benefit  from  your  campaign.  The organisation that benefits from your campaign needs to be based in Northern Ireland. There is no need to seek the lecturer's approval for your choice of a client firm/organization.
Please pay attention to the following:
Ø Each  student  is  required  to  develop  one  campaign, which  will  be  beneficial  to  the client organization.
Ø Explain what you propose, why it is beneficial for the client firm and how you intend to put your suggestion in practice. 
Ø This campaign should be built on digital and social media presence.

  • Ø The  campaign  is  required  to  include  a  Facebook/  Twitter/  Snapchat/  Instagram/ Linkedin/  TikTok  campaign  that  should  also  include  the  use  of  the  client’s  website and/or mobile application.
    Ø The campaign can refer to the promotion of an event, the launch of new products or a  new  service,  the  introduction  of  a  new  practice,  opening  of  a  new  venue,  re-branding, new corporate values, new sponsorship, celebrity endorsement... etc.
    Ø Give evidence of the campaign’s expected value for customers and for the organization.
    Ø You should have an understanding of the potential target market, customers,
    competition, environment, constraints related to internal budget and human
    Ø Be clear about the available budget for the mobile and social media communication campaign; it should be realistic and adapted to the objectives of the campaign.
    Ø Be  time-lined:  consider  that  a  small  budget  is available,  and  provide  insights  into potential future activities.
    Ø Be measurable and have an awareness of monitoring and control.
    Ø The output file should not have more than 15 slides and should include voice and/or video for media richness (maximum 8 minutes of audio/video content).
    Expected minimum content (not necessarily in this order):
    - Short description of the firm the benefits from the campaign
    - SWOT analysis
    - Competitors
    - Target population of the campaign
    - Objectives of the campaign
    - Description of the actual campaign
    - Budget
    - Evaluation
    The output file is a Powerpoint (.pptx) file with maximum of 8 minutes of video and/or voice integrated, maximum 15 slides.
    The recommended structure of the output file is SOSTAC:

Marking criteria for the Mobile and Social Media Campaign (equal weight 20% each):
1. Originality of campaign.
2. Potential to engage the target audience.
3. Clear objective. Clear budget and timeline.
4. Knowledge and understanding of key concepts. Quality of arguments.
5. Design of the PowerPoint file.

Questions and Answers for the social media campaign
1. What structure should we use?
A: Any structure that you want, as long as the output file flows logically and you cover the expected contents. The recommended structure is SOSTAC.

2. Is it necessary to mention the client’s website or mobile app?
A: In most of the cases yes. Only if you successfully argue that the website or mobile app does not bring any value for the potential consumer you can leave it out.

3. Can we use radio, tv, print newspaper, posters, flyers, outdoor advertising as part of the campaign?
A: Only mention those non-digital media that are related to inviting potential customers to visit the website or download the mobile app.

4. Does the output file need to have a reference/ bibliography slide at the end of the slides?
A: No, and you do not need to cite any academic articles, books etc. However, if you use any data/statistics, please mention the source.

5. What needs to be the tone used in our PowerPoint file? As if presented to customers, to academics, or to CEOs/general managers of the client organisation?
A: Prepare the PowerPoint file as if you are a digital business specialist trying to convince the owner/CEO/general manager of your client organisation to pay for the campaign that you propose.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Campaign on Pad Bank App
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
Slide number 1: About Equality Period Organization
Equality Period is a not-for-profit organization working across Northern Ireland to tackle menstrual health, education, and period poverty. Their reusable pads foster healthy period practices, challenge taboos concerning menstruation, and fight period poverty. The reusable pad unit offers livelihood opportunities to women by hiring them to stitch the cloth pads. It also tackles the root reasons for period poverty by providing women with educational sessions to study their bodies and normalize menstruation. Equality Period wants to run a social media campaign for its sanitary pad bank program. This program is meant to request donations from well-wishers and donors to install sanitary pads, vending, and disposable machines in ten schools and ten community centers. The pad bank will also receive donations such as personal care products which we will give to beneficiaries under our care.
Slide number 2: Our idea
We want to create a mobile application with a new 'DONATE TO THE PAD BANK' feature, which we will develop with our #Endperiodpoverty social media campaign. We also intend to carry out Community awareness training on menstrual hygiene management. Through this campaign, we intend to foster unfiltered discussion on menstruation and invite individuals to partake by posting with the #Endperiodpoverty hashtag to create awareness and period poverty resources. Besides challenging the taboos, the campaign likewise intends to offer vital resources for vulnerable girls.
Slide number 3: Strategic Objectives
* Launch the Pad Bank app
* Encourage donations towards our #Endperiodpoverty campaign
* Donate towards our pad bank program
* Volunteer to the Pad ban program
We aim to launch the #Endperiodpovery campaign three weeks before the international day of the girl child. The campaign aims to create awareness for the app, allowing people to donate towards our Pad bank program. We aim to have a minimum of 2000 app users by December 2020 through our #Endperiodpoverty campaign to create awareness about this program. We aim to hold four community awareness meetings by December 2023 to create awareness about our Paddy bank project and encourage people to donate. We intend to collaborate with ten schools and ten community centers for the pad bank project, which will function as pick-up centers for vulnerable girls and women who need menstrual health products by September 2023.
Slide number 4: SWOT Analysis
* Goodwill with local community residents.
* Diversity in terms of beneficiaries of our programs.
* Our projects are always community-centered, which creates buy-in with community leaders—convenient locations for the target audience (ages 16-45).

* Digital technological advancement, such as encouraging donations through apps, is rising. This integrates our target audience of 16-45 who regularly use apps.

* Low social media following.
* Few volunteers for our community outreach activities.

* Competition from not-for-profit organizations engaging in menstrual health management project...
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