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SLP WK 2: Ethics Essay

Essay Instructions:

For the Module 2 SLP assignment, you will again focus on the company and problem you chose to study in SLP 1. You will continue working on analyzing this issue for the next four SLP assignments.

  • Explain and apply the deontological perspective to resolving this problem.

  • Explain and apply the utilitarian perspective to resolving this problem.

  • To the extent that the application of these principles to your problem are not in agreement, identify one or more alternative solutions to that same problem.

  • Choose the solution you think is most appropriate, also taking into account the business circumstances associated with it. (It ordinarily isn’t necessary to close the business down or threaten to put it into bankruptcy in the name of ethics.) 

SLP Assignment Expectations

  • Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

  • Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page containing the full citations corresponding to the in-text citations you choose to use in the body of your paper.

  • Cite sources of information in your text.

  • Proofread your paper before submitting it.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.




The Business I wrote about will be attached on a separate sheet showing you what was written that way you can write the current assignment based of the original text

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Any company regardless of the industry that they operate in is faced by one of the aspects that cut across board, business ethics. These are basically moral codes that apply to the business and the staffs with any business environment. Given that the baseline for all businesses is the act that there are human interactions that draw on the ethics of the participants, business ethics is one of the aspects that any firm cannot avoid. This would explain why the subject has gained such traction in the business world and even in the scholarly circles.
There are a number of theories that relate to the aspects of ethics, one of the being the deontological ethics. These are ethics that are considered with respect to the duty of the people concerned. Ideally, deontological ethics base the element of one being ethical on the duty bestowed upon these persons. As such, it is the duty of everyone to be ethical in whatever they do(Alexander & Moore, 2007). This means that everyone has the duty to do the right things and avoid at all times to do the wrong things. It is this aspect of duty based ethics that brings about the element of principles. The deontological ethics consider the motive of the action and thus the consequences are not considered in determining good or bad actions.
In the case of the cyber café, it is the duty of the attendants to serve the customers to the best of their ability. The fact that the elderly customers especially those above the age of thirty, tend to be low on the computer literacy skills, it is the duty of the attendants to help them.As such, to solve the issue of customers taking too much time looking for something on the internet, the attendants should take as their duty to assist and protect the privacy of the customers at all times(Bbc.co.uk, 2015).
With reference to the poor pay in the industry, it is the duty of the firms to ensure that they [ay their staffs competitively. Taking advantage of the staffs is wrong and it translates to unethical behavior. Staffs that are paid well also deliver better results; however, this should not be the basis for paying competitively, but rather offering the staffs the best remuneration packages as a duty.
The utilitarian ethical principles are quite different from the previously discussed deontological ethics. In this case it is the outcome of the action that is considered; ideally the end justifies the means used. Despite the legitimacy of the actions, if the end results are pleasurable, ...
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