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Servant Leadership LDR-630: Module 2 DQ 1 - 3

Essay Instructions:

Please answer each question separately and extra bonus conclusion on each if possible. 

Module 2 DQ 1

Create a group of four standards that you will use to evaluate leadership models. For example, one standard might be: It has been shown to lead to improved performance. Use these standards to evaluate three models of contemporary leadership (include servant leadership as one of these three models).

Module 2 DQ 2

Identify the aspects of servant leadership that you believe are causing it to be selected by many senior leaders and boards of trustees.

Module 2 DQ 3

Based on this week's reading, plus two additional articles, compare emotional and social intelligence. Why are these models being used as the basis for creating new leadership models today?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

LDR-630 Servant Leadership Module 2
Module 2 DQ 1
The four standards for evaluating leadership models include the following; First leadership has been shown to lead to improved performance. Transformational leadership tends to influence the employees of the organization to work without necessarily having to rely on the senior management. In most cases, executives delegate duties to junior managers to ensure that daily activities continue running even in the absence of top leadership (Taylor & Lynham, 2013). These measures pursued by transformational leadership enhance smooth operations of the organization and hence leads to improved performance.
The second standard for evaluating leadership model is teamwork in the organization. Servant leadership ensures that senior managers cooperate with junior staff in finding solutions to issues affecting the organization. The leadership model gives the juniors authority to participate in decision-making processes of the organization (Taylor & Lynham, 2013). Furthermore, the leadership model enables senior managers to organize for seminars and workshops where executives and junior employees bond and share ideas on how best to run the organization.
The third standard for evaluating leadership models is the ability to take risks and be innovative. Charismatic leadership influences employees in an organization to have more confidence in pursuing more risky ventures (Smith, et al., 2012). Furthermore, the leadership model motivates the juniors to be innovative so as to enhance the product brand to survive in the competitive business environment. Risk taking enables the business to exploit new opportunities and hence expand the market share for its products.
Another standard for evaluating leadership models is efficient decision-making and problem-solving skills. Transformational leadership empowers junior staff in the organization to take responsibilities perceived to be functions of senior managers. In the end, contributions of junior managers assist the senior managers to avoid assumptions and instead make decisions based on real facts, and hence that helps in making efficient decisions that can address the real issues at hand (Smith, et al., 2012). Transformational leadership also uses information technology to create a database that helps in providing relevant information while deliberating on important business matters and hence leads to the efficient decision-making process in the organization.
Module 2 DQ 2
Many senior leaders and board of trustees have opted to select servant leadership because of the following reasons. Firsts it emphasizes on the development of employees' personal potential and facilitates their personal growth. Thus, the leadership model ensures that all employees utilize their potential to the fullest towards the growth of the organization. The leadership style facilitates the growth of workers through constant training and by sponsoring employees to further their studies (Fukushige & Spicer, 2011). That provides the organization with updated skills that enables it to tackle emerging challenges in the business environment.
Second, the leadership model is preferred because it stresses on behaviors associated with valuing individuals at an emotional level and promotes the culture of learning from others. Thus, the leadership model enables senior man...
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