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Security Oriented Culture

Essay Instructions:

Case Assignment

Read the following articles:

Zalud, Bill, (2010 May) Every Link in the Chain, Security, Troy: Vol. 47, Iss.5; pg. 28, 3 pgs.

Closs, David, Cheri Speier, Judith Whipple, M. Douglas Voss (2008 Sep) A Framework for Protecting your Supply Chain, Logistics Management (2002) Highland Ranch: Vol.47, Iss. 9; pg. 45, 1 pg.

After reading these and the other articles in the assigned reading, in an essay of 3-4 pages, answer the following questions:

1.Is a security-oriented culture applied to the supply chain just good business? Explain.

2.What are the benefits of viewing security issues beyond the individual firm?

3.Why is RFID technology viewed by many to be an important tool in securing a supply chain?

4.Which of the 10 security competencies discussed in the Closs, Speier, Whipple, and Voss article are likely to be the most challenging to implement? Why?

Assignment Expectations

Display a contextual understanding of the security implications of logistics management under the threat of domestic and global terrorism. Display in-depth knowledge of the vulnerabilities of logistics systems and creativity in assessing the security competencies that could mitigate the risks. In a broader perspective, demonstrate critical thinking, clarity of logic, and synthesis from previous course work in logistics in assessing the implications of implementing a security-oriented culture as a central element of the business equation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Impact of 9/11 on global logistics
Course title:
Impact of 9/11 on global logistics
Security oriented culture
A security-oriented culture which is applied to the supply chain is not just good business; it is beyond that. This culture is of major importance bearing in mind that supply chains are susceptible to security failures and attack (Closs et al., 2008). It is good for the company’s brand equity since such a culture could increase brand equity if customers believe that the company has a security-oriented culture and has put in place adequate security efforts. It is also good in that it improves the company’s relationships with its investors who would be contented with the company’s performance and they would not sale their equity. A security-oriented culture could also reduce regulatory scrutiny. Equally important, a security-oriented culture may help to improve the supply chain relationship between the company and its supply chain partners who will consider the company to be having sufficient security efforts (Closs et al., 2008).
Benefits of viewing security issues beyond the individual firm
It is important to view security issues beyond the individual firm due to increased threats of terrorism. Previously, organizations only considered the possible threat to their business when considering defense protection (Closs et al., 2008). Nonetheless, because of the interconnectedness of organizations, transportation infrastructure, and products in the current swift international supply chains, there is an increasing concern that disruptions could reach further than an individual company. Therefore, there is need for a more extensive supply chain framework (Closs et al., 2008). By viewing security issues beyond the individual company, the business organization will be able to proactively improve the resiliency of their supply chain against terrorism. Moreover, business executives will be able to improve the overall security so as to protect consumers, their brand equity, and the public. By viewing security issues beyond the individual firm, the company will be able to avoid possible negative effects of supply chain security failures in the event of a terrorist attack. Some of these negative consequences that would be avoided include the fact that a terrorist attack against the company may bring about disruption to customer delivery capacities resulting in a loss of short-term revenue and causing a service failure. There may also be decreased brand equity if clients believe that the terrorist attack took place due to a failure in supply chain that resulted from neglect (Closs et al., 2008).
RFID technology
Radio-frequency identification is viewed by many as a vital tool in securing a supply chain since it can be used to tag an...
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