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The Risks from AT&T and Time Warner Inc. Merger

Essay Instructions:

Please do not use many really good words to write this, using some normal words to write, also I need to got A, Because last time I use "Pandascholar" then I got F, It's relly bad. I cannot got a bad grade again. Please write in your best. Thank you so much!!!

See the "Pre-Approved Op-Ed Topics"

Topic chosing: AT&T/Time Warner Merger

Background: (Taken from “Engaging Students Through Op-Ed Writing Assignments” by Todd Nesbit in Political Entrepreneurs: The Economic Engine of Political Change. http://politicalentrepreneurs(dot)com/engaging-students-through-op-ed-writing-assignments/)

An op-ed, or opinion editorial, is a narrative essay that presents the writer's opinion or thoughts about an issue. Op-eds can raise awareness about a particular topic or aim to persuade others, and can substantiate the writer as an expert on a subject.

Op-eds are most commonly published in daily newspapers. They are typically 500–700 words. Some op-eds are written by newspaper staff or syndicated writers. Many are submitted by the publication's readers. It is an excellent idea to read a few op-eds (found in major U.S. newspapers) before beginning this assignment.

Most op-eds follow a similar structure. This is the structure you are required to use:

Lead: This is the introduction section of your op-ed; it is intended to entice the reader into reading the full story. Try to sum up your opinion in a single sentence to begin. Then provide one or two paragraphs, 3 – 6 sentences in length that tell the reader the “who, what, when, where” of your topic.

Evidence: This is normally 3 – 6 paragraphs in length. The paragraphs, while still short compared to more standard writing styles, are often a bit longer than those from the Lead and Conclusion. This is because you are discussing examples, using economic theory, presenting expert statements and providing other types of evidence that support your Conclusion. There should be will be some educational aspect to your presentation; you're trying to inform readers about a policy or issue that the reader may know little to nothing about. Therefore if translate statistics into grounded numbers that can be easily digested by your reader. Avoid using jargon, but if you must use jargon, pause to quickly define—in two short sentences or less—the term and get back to your argument.

Conclusion: This is the “why” or “why care” part of your op-ed. It is normally 1 – 2 paragraphs, 2 – 5 sentences in length. In many cases, authors will use a one-sentence paragraph to emphasize a particular aspect of the conclusion to ensure that the reader gives the idea more attention.

Walk-off: This is where you explain how to go forward. All op-eds should be forward-looking. That is, don't just restate that there is some problem to which we should find a solution. Offer a possible solution. This is normally 1 – 3 paragraphs, 3 – 6 sentences in length.


Produce an Op-ed on an issue/topic from a list that will be provided by your instructor or on an issue/topic of your own choosing that has been previously approved by your instructor using the structure outlined above using the headings: Lead; Evidence; Conclusion; and Walk-off.

You must use 12 point-font and your paper must be double-spaced. Document your sources (the experts you are quoting and the facts/statistics you are using) using APA Style in-text citations and provide a separate “References” page to list those sources. The majority of your paper should be your opinion in your own words. Though research is needed to write a good Op-Ed, this is not a long-form research paper.

An important goal of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply “the economic way of thinking.” If you are choosing an issue/topic rather than choosing one from the provided list, be sure that it has a clear economic dimension that you can address.

Be sure to review the grading rubric for this assignment.

Should you have questions, contact your instructor before writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

AT&T/Time Warner Merger
Date Lead The proposed AT&T/Time Warner merger is a threat to competition, and there is no guarantee that customers will get value for money. The merger has received interest in the media as it affects the industry, and while political leaders have addressed the issue, at the heart of the matter is the financial impact to customers. Time Warner Inc. is a media and entertainment Company while AT & T provides communications and digital entertainment services and the proposed merger would increase the company’s reach in the media and telecommunication markets.   If the merger can create value, it is expected that the combined company would lower costs, may show monopolistic tendencies and raise prices for customers while reducing competitiveness. Evidence  The merger would create a larger corporation that would be both a content distributor and supplier. The danger with this is that the corporation would likely restrict content and even charge higher prices when there is little competition. When a company has a dominant position, it is likely that the firms can limit competition, and this reduces the choices that consumers have. Everyone is worse off except the corporation, since competition spurs innovation and efficiency. There would be fewer incentives to improve content delivery when competition diminishes.  The risk that consolidation will result in higher prices should not be ignored. Even the regulators do not influence pricing as it is assumed that market forces determine this, and in reality bigger firms have the power to fix higher prices.             In many cases, horizontal mergers where competitors consolidate their activities, tend to attract more inquiry and interest among the public and regulators because of fears of concentration. &nb...
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