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The Business Case for the Paris Climate Accord

Essay Instructions:

1. Read this opinion article (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) on The New York Times about international agreements to protect the environment. (If you aren't able to view the article on the website, you can view a Word document copy here.)
2. Write a 2-page, double-spaced rhetorical analysis of the article. You should consider the article's a) rhetorical situation, b) exigence, c) logos, ethos, and pathos. Include a thesis about whether this article is effectively persuasive for its audience, and support this thesis with excellent topic sentences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rhetorical Analysis
The Business Case for the Paris Climate Accord
By George P. Shultz and Ted Halstead
George’s and Ted’s The Business Case for the Paris Climate Accord, first appeared on New York Times May this year (2017). In this article, the authors try to convince the audience that America should remain in the Paris Climate Agreement. "Businesses supporting the Paris accord are the president’s natural allies. They can help him fashion a conservative climate solution that upholds our commitments and enhances America’s greatness”. Ethos, logos, pathos and exigency are the techniques that the authors employ to come up with a convincing and strong article.
The authors begin by introducing the rhetorical situation. In the article, they bring out the indecisiveness of the President of the United States, Trump in either staying in the Paris Climate Agreement or not (Richard, 2017). This decision will definitely affect the business environment in the country. A number of companies and Business leaders are supporting that the country remains in the Agreement. Trump, on the other hand, wants to pull off or change the regulations.
In the authors' work, the technique of exigency is created when they clearly state that America staying in the Paris Climate Agreement is more beneficial than a disadvantage. "Staying in Paris would advance the president's priorities not only by creating jobs but also by leveling the playing field in trade. American companies are well positioned to benefit from growing global markets in clean technologies, generating domestic jobs and growth". On addition to that, they give the negative consequences associated with pulling out of the Agreement. They say, "Pulling out of the agreement could subject the United States to retaliatory trade measures, enabling other countries to leapfrog American industry." By other countries, they are referring to China and India who were against it. They emphasize on this by saying that the Agreement had just worked its way out in overcoming the international clim...
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