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Reward and Recognition Program

Essay Instructions:

Options 1 & 2: Business Proposal

For this assignment, you will write a proposal to your organization’s senior management team for a project you would like to receive approval for. The section titled Practical Skills: Proposal Writing in the interactive lecture on page V of Module 7 provides guidance to help you determine the specific needs of your audience.

Your proposal will be based on the work you have already done for the Module 6 Critical Thinking Assignment. You will be writing on the topic you chose for that assignment:

Reward and Recognition Program Needed

Review the information provided in the Module 7, Page V, Practical Skills: Proposal Writing, interactive lecture. Use the proposal template (link below) for the assignment.

Your proposal should be 6-8 pages in length, in addition to a title page and the reference page, and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Include at least 5 scholarly references, proper in-text citation, and a reference page. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reward and Recognition Program
The aim of any company is to remain as competitive as possible, and on top of it game for as long as possible. This is basically what keeps businesses morphing each year, so as to remain at the top of the food chain, as far as business goes. Remaining competitive entails a number of factors such as the employees, cash flow, marketing and the general business strategy. Last year our company, Spiral Enterprises, merged with BackRub Company. Since that time it is clear that the morale of our employees has done down and several cases of dissatisfaction have also been reported. There is a need to address the current situation because it is impacting negatively on the productivity of our workers. This has also lead to low production rates and low-quality products thus affecting the organizations’ bottom line. This proposal provides a comprehensive Employee Reward and Recognition program that is aimed to address the issues affecting the workers and let them realize how much the organization values them.
Project Plan
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is an area of corporate finances, management, and strategy that deal with joining and purchasing of companies. In an alliance, the two companies join forces to become a new business. This is becoming a strategic choice for many companies that are trying to maintain their competitiveness or gain a competitive edge over their rivals (Schraeder & Self, 2003). The reasoning behind M&A is that two separate organizations join together to create more value compared to when operating independently. The advantages of mergers and acquisitions include reduction of costs and overheads since the budget is reduced, reduced competition and accessing a broader customer base.
Additionally, the company acquires a larger market share, and it becomes easy to access funds and other necessary assets which are critical for new developments. Besides, the business may acquire quality staff or additional skills and knowledge which may be essential in running the company. However, mergers and acquisitions may also create problems especially when the companies involved have a different mission, values, and goals (Rothwell, Stavros, & Sullivan, 2015). The employee morale may drop during the restructuring of the merger. Within the instability of the situation, employees often lose the desire to come to work or to offer their best in their work.
Additionally, the benefits of the employees may be reduced which may further affect their morale. Also, employees of the purchased company frequently feel disengaged, and this may drive the employees to leave the organization before all the changes are implemented. In essence, the general direction, activity and subsequent productivity of a firm is largely dependent on the individual morale of employees. There is basically a wide berth between the productivity and profitability in an organization.
The merger of Spiral Enterprises and BackRub Company has indeed resulted in increased stress levels among the workers. Typically, the morale of the employees is affected because of fear that these changes may lead to loss of jobs, poor management, and increased workload (Brenner, 2018). Good communication between the administration and the workers is therefore very essential in addressing and reducing some of these fears. The success of the merger between Spiral Enterprise and BackRub Company, therefore, relies on the provision of a conducive work environment and proper treatment of the workers. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that staffs are respected, appreciated and motivated so that they can feel being part of the company.
We aim to make the workers comprehend that this merger is intended to strengthen the company and we can only do that by communicating to them that they are fundamentally essential for our success as a company. We also want to show them that the company is ready to invest in them. Therefore I propose that by generating a reward and recognition program, the company will manage to increase the morale of the workers, enhance workers productivity thus increasing production and facilitate company stability and growth. If this program is supported it will help in creating a workplace environment where all workers will feel motivated and ready to offer their best. It is also important to note that this will help the organization meet its goals and also make the company competitive in the global market.
Motivation is an internal process that makes an individual move towards a goal. It is challenging to motivate other people directly; however, this can be easily achieved by influencing what drives the people (Ali & Ahmed, 2009). The significant challenge for the managers and leaders is to comprehend how to motivate their m...
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