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Restoration Hardware SWOT Analysis

Essay Instructions:


The purpose of this assignment is to research the company, Restoration Hardware, and analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opprtunities, and threats (SWOT Analysis).


Restoration Hardware (now RH) is an American home furnishing company which sells its merchandise through its retail stores, catalog and online. In 2014 they were criticized for direct mailing out their 17 pound catalog to consumers in the U.S. Despite the criticism, in 2018 they repeated a similar mailing of their catalog. RH is also now doing something innovative in merchandising by making restaurants and wine bars at their locations part of the shopping experience.


Research RH and complete a SWOT analysis matrix of the company. Include 4 recommendations for the company based on your SWOT analysis. The entire assignment must not exceed 500 words, not including references.


Introduction: How you researched the company

Main Body: SWOT Analyais: This must include a matrix. Narrative for the matrix is optional.

Conclusion: Recommendations (minimum four).


Organization. Use the organization format outline above.

Research. Use secondary source information for researching this assignment: news articles, business, academic & trade journals, organization/firm websites for this assignment. Do NOT use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia for a source.

Citations. Use APA or MLA styles to properly reference citations (footnotes are acceptable but they do not replace the need for a reference section at the end of each written assignment). You must include either parenthetical citations or footnotes within the text of the assignment anytime you draw on a particular source for information.

Word limit. Limit the assignment to 500 words and include the word count at the end of the assignment, before the references, e.g. Word Count = 843/850

Third Person Voice. Do not write in the first person voice (no "I", "we", "our") or second person voice ("you"). Academic and business papers/reports are written in the third person voice.

Page Numbers. Insert page numbers into the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Restoration Hardware SWOT Analysis
This essay presents a SWOT analysis for Restoration Hardware (RH), an American home furnishing company. Researching the company to establish its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will entail searching for information from the company’s website, databases, and other published documents by RH. Additionally, the research will be extended to secondary sources of information that offer significant insight into the company’s internal and external business environment.
SWOT Analysis






* Reliable suppliers
* Strong dealer community
* Skilled workforce
* Strong brand portfolio
* Customer satisfaction
* Successful marketing strategies
* Successful mergers and acquisitions
* Cost structure
* Large asset base
* Automation
* Diverse workforce
* Social media
* Location
* Intellectual property rights

* Poor research and development
* High inventories for day sales
* Use of rented property
Low current ratio
Major cashflow problems
Workforce diversification can cause some detriments
High rates of employee turnover
Poor market research
Quality control issues
Unqualified legal department
Few products with a high market share
Improper financial planning




* New markets
* Reducing operational costs
* New environmental policies
* Exploiting new customer demands
* Market development
* Exploiting online channels (e-commerce and the internet)
* Social media and other technological developments
* Green options

* Technological achievements of competitors
* New entrants and st...
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