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Respectully: Family Background, History Originally

Essay Instructions:

R – E – S – P – E – C – T – F – U – L
Part I The first part of your paper utilizes each letter from the word RESPECTFUL (your reflection
With brief examples ~ about three pages). Use your textbook to help you craft your responses ~ this
is not a “free form” narrative, but a method of integrating theory with real life applications.
R Religious/Spiritual Identity (including major celebrations) Muslim
E Economic Background (family of origin) Middle income family
S Sexual /Gender Identity Male
P Personal / Family Background & History Originally from Ethiopia. I was born from educated family and business man. My dad is graduated from Addis Ababa University by Veterinary science. My mom is business man in small town Ejaji in Ethiopia.
E Ethnic Identity (different from “racial” identity) Oromo ethnic which is the largest nation from Ethiopia
C Communication Skills and Challenges Speake I have no problem to interact with people
T Travel Experiences (vacations and/or relocations) Dubai Canada and Portland
F Friendships ~ diverse and similar folk American and Amhara friends
U Unique Characteristics (abilities/disabilities/traits/skills) I love, respect, understand the people. I have the ability to solve the case both civil and criminal when miscarriage of justice is happen because I study the Law at Jemma University in Ethiopia.
L Language(s) spoken and understood I English, Arabic, Afan Oromo and Amharic
Part II Look over these characteristics and discuss how they shape your worldview and self-view.
How does your identity impact your interpersonal communication? For example, has your travel
Enabled you to have insights that help you connect with a variety of people ~ or ~ does speaking only
One language limit whom you interact with? What would you work on to achieve your interpersonal?
Goals? Choose two meaningful relationships to use for your case studies, and bring examples from
Them into your discussion (about three pages).
Cite communication concepts (minimum four) from the to support your insights (along
With other sources, if desired). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Course title:
Religion: Last week, the Imam taught us that Islam teaches us that the path to spiritual development is accessible by all. My Muslim background is a huge part of who I am and what I believe in. Prophet Muhamad, peace be with him, stipulated Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha Muslim celebrations that I enjoy celebrating together with my family. I also enjoy Ashura and the Islamic New year holiday. My religion has taught me to believe in the positive message of Allah through my sincere worship and this has always filled my life with courage and hope in everything I do. It has improved my social relationship with others from the ethical interactions I get at the mosque and my social network of friends (Beebe et al, 2011). 
Economic background: My family is my greatest pride. I have been brought up in a middle income family that taught me to work for what I want in life. I am glad that my family`s economic status has enabled me to pursue my goals through education and provision of the basic necessities. I am always grateful for these opportunities that not so many people have. Beebe et al (2011), alludes that education is the basis for interpersonal communication. Education has indeed shaped up my interpersonal communication skills through relating to students and teachers that has in turn made me develop the necessary skills in the communication process.
Sexuality: I am the only male child in my family and I have grown up with three sisters that are all older than me. My sisters sometimes think that I am the favoured child, since I am the last born and the only male child, but I see myself as lucky to have my sisters and my parents mould me. I will not lie, but I did like the special treatments and favours I got while I was growing up. Being the only male, well apart from my father, would make me in charge of taking care of the females around the house whenever my father was not available. This moulded me to grow up with the perspective of feminism as a vital part of our society. I have developed empathy, people skills, and having an open minded personality to accept and treat all genders equal and this has been a vital growth of my interpersonal skills.
Personal background: My family is originally from Ethiopia. All of us were born, raised and educated in Ethiopia. We come from a small town called Ejaji and it is a very cultured and a remarkable region with its beautiful warm weather and friendly people. I have maintained distinct relationship with families and friends from the region and this has advanced my communication principles. My parents are educated and they work as business men. My father graduated from Addis Ababa University with a degree in veterinary medicine and my mother works as a business woman in this small town of Ejaji in Ethiopia. My eldest sisters have been educated in Ethiopia and the eldest of my sisters followed the footstep of my father and joined Addis Ababa University, but pursued a course in dentistry.
Ethnicity: Of the nine ethnically based regions in Ethiopia, I am from the Oromia region, ethnically making me an Oromo. We contribute to the largest ethnicity in the horn of Africa and in Ethiopia. We are ranked the first out of the existing seventy four, language groups in Ethiopia. Oromo is a Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic tribes living in Africa. My ethnic group is divided into two subgroups the Borana Oromo and the Barentu Oromo and I belong to the Borana Oromo subgroup living in Ejaji. Having a community that is relatable and shares the same principles moulded me from childhood from the household chores I did, community functions and a common language that promoted my communication process and channels.
Communication: I have no challenges communicating and interacting with other people. My communication skills are attributed to my formal education that guided my dialect, pronunciation and sentence formation. I am a good listener and if there is need for clarification, I do use clarifying and reflection techniques to confirm what has been said. I am aware of other people’s emotions, especially since I have three sisters. Growing up, they would have various emotional breakdowns. Aside from that, I am sympathetic and I empathise and I encourage when the situation demands it. I have never had problems with my non-verbal communication skills too. My social relationships and interactions are always good, and I would pertain that to communication concepts that lead to my development in interpersonal communication (Thomas, 2012).
Travel experiences: I have had great travel experiences in the countries I visited for educational trips and recreational purposes. I enjoyed travelling to Dubai, Canada and Portland. My trip to Dubai was a great experience due to the familiarity with the Arabic culture and Muslim culture, and it felt like a second home. I met new people and interacted with a diverse professional and local community. I particularly enjoyed the food, the beautiful Burj Khalifa and spectacular views in the area. I would definitely go back to see more of what the place has to offer. My Canadian and Portland trips were very fulfilling and personal because I made a lot of good friends that we still communicate to date and this kind of relationship has added up to my interpersonal communication skills (Thomas, 2012).
Friendships: I have a huge network of friends that I made when I was growing up in Ethiopia, studying and the different places I visited. I have developed friendships with the diverse and similar folk Americans, Amhara friends and others from different countries. Maintaining friendships is what I aim at with the people I meet. The reality of life today and relationships, surface from the way friendships are built. The world would be a lonely place without friends in anybody`s life...
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