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Essay Instructions:
A major transportation organization is experiencing life ending accidents such as a large bus hitting and killing pedestrians at a crosswalk, two subway trains crashing into each other head on as well as many other near miss accidents. Most accidents are thought to be errors of the drivers lack of training or just carelessness. The organization has designed a training class for their drivers. You are to analyze following design including if the right intended audience is included, if their possible learning styles have been taken into consideration, if the goal and objectives of the program are clear and appropriate, is the delivery of the program effective and if the assessment of the training is sufficient. Please review the plan, critique it and make recommendations for improving it. Training Program: Safe Driving for Metro Bus and Train Drivers Audience: 100 of the newest hired drivers Duration: 2 hours Desired Outcomes: - Understand the potential dangers, risks, and statistics associated with a variety of safety issues - Avoid behaviors that may put passengers in danger while on the bus and train Materials: - Flip chart, books given in class - Internet access Delivery: 1. Explain to trainees that according to Metro's Safety Department, accidents and crashes are increasing 2. Factors such as alcohol, high-speed driving, phone use, texting, and other dangerous behaviors contribute to these crashes. 3. Explain that it's felt most accidents could be avoided by following common safety practices - On a flipchart, draw two columns for the “dos and don'ts” of driving. - Ask trainees to brainstorm about items for both lists. - Divide the drivers into groups, and assign one of the following topics to each group to research on the Internet and then present to the class: - Impaired driving (DUI/DWI) - Seat belts - Speeding - Distracted driving (such as driving while eating or talking on a cell phone and texting) - Drowsy driving - Lack of knowledge, skill or ability - Equipment failures Evaluation: Trainees will take a multiple choice question exam with 20 questions. They must get at least 17 correct in order to pass the course. Participants will be asked if they enjoyed the training. Participants will be asked if they liked the facility and the food served.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management
The training class for the company’s drivers could not have come at a better time as the organization has been experiencing a lot of serious incidents which have ended up with fatal consequences. However after a careful study and review of the training program, I have a few issues to point out that I feel could be addressed to make the program more effective and responsive to the problems at hand (Dugan 1985).
While the training design is satisfactory it has to be noted that a lot of incidents have happened on the roads, thus it would be more suitable if a considerable part of the training program was done practically i.e. on the roads. Also the fact that the training has been earmarked for 100 of the newest employees is simply not getting to the heart of the matter. The target audience should include both experienced and new drivers employed by the company. The trainer should also ensure that the learning styles adopted should be of a more visual nature especially videos to enable the drivers to be able to retain more information (Dugan 1985). Also the program should be more participative in nature (...
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