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Resolving Conflicts between Staff and Politicians Having Different Point of Views

Essay Instructions:

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcomes:

HU245-4: Analyze contemporary ethical issues.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

PC-2.5: Model leadership skills by developing trusting relationships, respect, conflict resolution skills, and civic-mindedness.

Business Ethics Position Paper

Your task is to write a paper (maximum length of two pages double spaced) that analyzes one of the following business ethical issues. You choose which issue to write about; in this assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. Each scenario represents a conflict in an organizational setting. In addition to applying ethical reasoning and theories to your position, you must demonstrate how as a leader you would preserve the professional relationships in question and resolve the conflict.

Option A:

At a local restaurant a prominent politician has arrived and has been seated for dinner. Several of the serving staff are upset because they disagree with the politician’s political views. Some are requesting the manager on duty speak to the politician and ask him/or to leave. Explain what the manager should do in this situation and how they could resolve the conflict between the servers and the politician in the most ethical manner.

Option B:

A hiring manager has received a resume from a very promising candidate for a position that will involve working with a high performance team on a two year project. When the candidate arrives for the interview, the hiring manager notices that the candidate is pregnant. Upon learning that the candidate is pregnant, the other team members have asked the hiring manager to keep looking for a candidate who can “commit” to the project. Explain what the hiring manager should do in this situation and how they could resolve the conflict between the candidate and the other team members in the most ethical manner.

Option C:

A bank manager is faced with the difficult task of downsizing a department and must choose between two employees to let go. Both employees have similar performance records but the manager believes that Jill (age 30) has more potential than Jack (age 42). The manager has been told by the vice president that firing Jill would be safer since Jack’s age makes him in a “protected class” and there is a fear of litigation. Explain what the manager should do in this situation and how they could resolve the conflict between the manager and the vice president in the most ethical manner.

With whichever option you choose, you must:

Apply at least one ethical theory to support your position.

Show how your decision would preserve the professional relationships in question and resolve the conflict in an ethical manner.

It is not enough to name a theory; you must explain the theory and demonstrate how your position reflects the logic and reasoning of that theory.

Remember that theory is the “why” behind your beliefs.

**** *** Be sure to review the attached Competency Assessment Rubric to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated. **** ***

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Due to their differing worldviews and perspectives on various elements of life, coworkers will inevitably dispute at times. Power struggles, territorial disputes, and other minor issues may be among these features. Yet, when you cannot afford to become involved in every little disagreement. If the disagreement is hindering productivity and interfering with business priorities, it is advised for a manager to take action. Remember that your staff takes their attitude signals from you; thus, lead by example. Never overtly criticize somebody for having a different point of view in the workplace, avoid gossip, and show a positive attitude in the face of challenges ("Ethical Dilemmas: How Scandals Damage Companies", 2021). After discussing some of the practical characteristics that this character should possess, we will now describe a scenario where employees disagree with the example given regarding politics. Choosing the most moral strategy management should use to address the problem.
Politics seem to be dividing people more and more on a global scale, and the subject cannot stay out of our daily talks, especially those that take place at work. Conversations on your team can frequently get contentious when team members hold divergent opinions (Thompson, 2022). For instance, consider this neighborhood eatery where a well-known politician has just arrived and been seated for supper. Because they disagree with the politician's political ideas, it is common to observe numerous members of the serving staff become angry. Asking your staff to disregard their political differences to conduct business is the most moral course of action, in your position as manager. They should be aware that this should not be used as justification for asking a politician to take time off without providing the necessary services. Per...
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