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Practice Question 5: Recruiting and Hiring, Performance Management

Essay Instructions:

Human Resource Management
Instructions: Managing people is a key factor for all managers. Human resources theory and practices are foundational both for the unique discipline of human resources and for the general practice and discipline of management. Discuss how human resources is both a discipline of its own and how it is embedded in the practice of management. Select three of the following areas:
• Recruiting and hiring
• Performance management
• Labor relations and collective bargaining
• Employee relations
• Strategic human resource management
• Training and development
• Organization development
For each of the three areas selected discuss
• The relevance and importance of that area for management
• The roles and responsibilities of that area for managers, for human resource specialists and why this is so
• Two or three theories or concepts within that area that are important for effective management of human resources from the perspective of human resources, of the individual employee, of the manager of the employee, and of the organization
• Identify significant legal guidelines or regulations related to managing this area effectively: To what laws do managers need to adhere or pay special attention in this area?
• Identify 3 to 5 challenges faced by organizations today in that area and address how those challenges are successfully managed and/or mitigated (if they are risks).
• What theories or theorists ground your understand of this area of human resource management and why you selected that theory.

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Practice Question 5
Recruiting and hiring
The human resource management department has the responsibility to recruit and hire new employees. The sustainability of an organization is dependent on the availability of workers. Furthermore, workers are among the important assets of any organization. Through the recruitment program, potential employees are brought on board through training and introduction to the organizational culture ( AL-Zahrani & Almazari, 2014). The hiring process guarantees only qualified individuals work in the company. In this context, the management can achieve a competitive advantage by increasing employee productivity, which is essential for increased organizational performance.
The managers work within the organization, and have knowledge about the labor needs. The management is important in drafting the practical requirements of the vacancies in the company. Suggestively, in the recruitment and hiring processes, the management identifies the opportunities and provides the guidelines for acquiring new labor. The human resource specialists carry out the primary job of conducting recruitment and hiring while the management approves for the individuals to be inducted into the company (Byremo, 2015). The human resource ensures that the selected applicants are qualified and capable of meeting the organizational goals. The various duties carried out by the manager, and the human resource specialist ensures that the right persons fill the vacancies (Kehoe & Wright, 2013).
Recruitment and hiring can be a source of competitive advantage and a tool for organizational change. The two concepts are important for effective management of human resource as they provide the basis for various programs. The human resource has the responsibility to carry out training that is focused on improving the workforce to meet the organizational needs or to facilitate the adaptation to change (Calskan, 2010). Through the recruitment and hiring process, employees can gain insights on how to contribute to the organizational objectives. Additionally, the human resource activities limit resistance to change in the workforce. Recruitment and hiring guarantees that the best applicants get the opportunity to work in the company. Resultantly, the manager of the employees is guaranteed to have a source of labor that is well equipped to meet the requirements in various positions. When workers are well recruited, they are easy to manage, and productivity is high. Also, it becomes easy to implement changes because good management facilitates communication. Competitive advantage enables the organization to gain a significant market share. Organizational change is important when the management needs to introduce new ways of conducting business to enhance organizational performance (Jackson & Schuler, 1995).
Recruitment and hiring is a sensitive task that requires observation of various legal provisions. The managers should avoid discrimination against people due to race, sex, or religion. Each applicant should be given equal opportunity. Employment should not be acquired through fraudulent means where people use corruption by giving bribes or other favors. Managers should maintain equality and ensure that hiring is based on achievements as per the job requirements (Calskan, 2010).
The first challenge managers often face is that of many applicants for the same position. Resultantly, many companies use third parties to carry out recruitment services to ease the burden. Secondly, sometimes the hiring process is hindered by the lack of sufficient background information. It is important for managers gather information about an individual without infringing their privacy. The challenge has been monitored by using services that provide such information, including social media sites such as Facebook. Another challenge is that new recruits might lack the skills and knowledge to fill a vacancy. When such mistakes are made, and replacements are needed, the managers lead to wastage of time and resources. The uses of internet-based platforms that narrow down the applicant to the most qualified ones are useful in such cases (Byremo, 2015).
The theorists ground is that recruitment can help to save time and resources while job specifications facilitate the hiring process as the most qualified individuals are employed. I choose the theory because recruitment and hiring are the key factors in sustainability by ensuring productivity and availability of labor.
Training and development
Training and development of employees enable the management to enhance the productivity of people and groups in the company. The managers have the responsibility to motivate workers as they are often seen as leaders. Motivational approaches allow the workers to participate in the training and development programs, which is the primary responsibility of the human resource department. Resultantly, the motivation from the management enabl...
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