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Recruiting a Human Resources Officer

Essay Instructions:

You will be working with the same company, Stamp.Com

Congratulations! You have the foundation for your HR department in place, and you are ready to select your staff. You must make sure that you are selecting the best talents for your HR department. You are now receiving resumes from recent graduates of Masters of Human Research Management (MHRM) programs, and you must prepare to interview the candidates.***(See Job Posting and Cover Letter/Resume attached)***

1.Review the resume and cover letter you received from your job posting in the Week 8 discussion. Next, critique the competitive advantage you are predicting from the potential candidate. Provide a rationale for your critique.

2.Indicate the interview type you will be using is phone. Next, determine one (1) challenge that may arise with this type of interview. Develop a plan to mitigate this challenge and minimize its impact on your interview. ****(Interview Form and Question used are attached)***

3.Write a brief summary of your experience conducting the interview. Indicate in the summary whether or not you have chosen this candidate for the position. Include the ethical decision-making abilities that went into your decision. Provide a rationale for your decision.

a.Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

b.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

c.Cite the 4 resources you have used to complete the assignment ***must be not older than 5 years***


  1. What are your long-range career goals? Short-range goals?
  2. What specific goals, other than those related to your career, have you established for yourself?
  3. Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?
  4. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  5. In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable (structured, unstructured, etc.)?
  6. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
  7. Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?
  8. What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful in your career?
  9. Why should I hire you?

10.  What do you hope to learn on this job?

11.  What three things are most important to you in your job?

12.  What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to work?

13.  What have you learned in your other jobs that you think will help you to do this job well?

14.  Tell me about the time you met the most opposition when proposing a plan of action.

15.  Describe a situation that best demonstrates your ability to get things done through others.

16.  Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses at work that tested your coping skills.  What did you do?

17.  Describe the most significant written document, report, or presentation that you’ve completed. Do you have an example of oral communication skills?

18.  Describe a time when you were confronted by a difficult task-related problem and how you solved it.  Did you ever have to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done?

19.  Give an example of a time when you did not have enough information to do your job.  What steps did you take?

20.  Tell me about a specific occasion when you conformed to a policy even though you did not agree with it.

21.  Give an example of when you were able to build motivation in your co-workers or subordinates.

22.  What have you learned from your mistakes?

23.  Have you ever been in a leadership role?  Please explain the situation.

24.  How do you work under pressure?

25.  What types of people seem to “rub you the wrong way?”

26.  Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and subordinates.

27.  What type of supervisor would you like to have?

28.  Give an example of an important goal you had to set and your process in meeting that goal.

29.  If a friend or professor were asked to describe you, what would he/she say?

30.  How do you define “success”? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conducting an Interview
Recruiting a Human Resources Officer
As one of the largest companies that are publicly listed offering top of the line internet base mailing services in the United States, Stamps.Com Inc. is looking for candidates to fill the position of a human resources officer in charge of recruitment and selection. The highly talented and skilled officer will be stationed at the company headquarters at El Segundo in California. However, sometimes they will be required to travel to the rest of the company branches across the states relative to the responsibilities demands. The candidate will be responsible for the recruitment and selection of the staffs employed at the firm within the different departments and branches (Prosser, 2013). They will among other responsibilities be involved actively in the planning and structuring of the recruitment processes and delivering timely reports to the Human Resources Director on the various aspect of human capital within the firm. Part of the key qualification include the fact that the candidate should masters in human resources management or other related studies, have strong skills in communication, conflict resolution, leadership abilities, and interpersonal skills (Kent.ac.uk, 2015). Strong database management skills will be a necessity as well as membership to CIPD. More importantly the candidate should have at least six years in experience in a similar position. This paper highlights the qualifications of one of the candidates.
Reviewing one of the candidate’s cover letter and resume there are quite some pointers that come out about the candidate and their abilities. According to the cover letter that the candidate forwarded, they are in the course of clearing their master’s degree by the end of September 2015. The candidate has had the required academic qualifications relative to the fact that they are taking their masters. They have also cited that they have had significant experience working at the university in the administration department as the Assistant Director of Admissions. They also have experience having worked with Verizon where they have accomplished some significant milestones in sales, recruitment, training and research. These are crucial skills for this position and the candidate seems to have mastered the main aspect of the job listing in the academics and professional experience the company seeks. The cover letter and the resume are quite intriguing with the main elements that the company seeks standing out from either of the document. At the same time the, the candidate has provided supporting evidence of their experience and how best this could be applied in the position at the company. The potential competitive advantage that is predictable from this candidate is that they are highly results oriented, organized attentive to details and they also have a strong sense of personal drive. This is a crucial advantage as much of the responsibilities require someone that has a personal drive to match the demands of the position (Kent.ac.uk, 2015).
The candidate will be required to coordinate recruitment processes alongside other human resources responsibilities in the various branches that are spread across the states. This means that they will need the drive to make sure that all the tasks of the position relative to the various departments are met. At the same time the fact that they have a focus on results, they will easily fit in with the responsibilities of the position as it is largely results oriented. The rationale for this argument is based on the fact that, during their tenure at Verizon, the candidate was able to achieve 140% goal status, where they harnessed their selling skills, training, research, problem resolution and was able to deliver results even when working alone (Prosser, 2013). At the university, they have been able to plan and execute interview plans and further participate in follow up interviews within their busy schedule. This supports the fact that they are highly organized and attentive to details. Their ability to multitask also clearly shows in the element, where they are able to handle their academics and still manage to bring out the best in their responsibilities as an Assistant Director of Admission.
Phone interview
Phone interviews are increasingly becoming common, as companies seek candidates from across large spatial areas. This is a method that offers the flexibility to the two parties and is most common where the elements of communications skills are paramount to the interviewer. They are also cost effective as they commonly take less than half an hour per session (Kent.ac.uk, 2015). Candidates do not need to t...
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