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Recommendations for Robust Population Health Initiatives for the Hospital

Essay Instructions:


Case Scenario Analysis: you have been hired in the CAO's newly created position (Chief Administrative Officer) for a regional medical center. The responsibilities have been broken away from the COO (Chief Operational Officer) to focus primarily on all business and revenue generation activities.

You are a member of the hospital's executive management team (Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operational Officer, Chief of the Clinical Staff (medical and nursing), Chief Information Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Quality and Risk Management Officer, and legal counsel.

The hospital is a nonprofit. The services provided within the hospital include cardiac rehabilitation, emergency department, radiology, pediatrics, same-day surgery, a retail pharmacy, ophthalmology and optical, oncology, limited physical rehabilitation, and physical therapy, patient education, substance abuse, renal dialysis, and obstetrics. The Joint Commission accredits the hospital with recertification in 2 years.

TASK(S): In meeting with the CEO, she asks for specific guidance, in memorandum format, on how to move forward with more robust population health initiatives for the hospital. She wants them to be aligned with current specific identified regulatory and reform requirements and be evidence-based. They must also be aligned with decreasing costs, increased access, and those initiatives and outcomes that bring value to the hospital and the regional populations served.

Please research your local region for socioeconomic demographics to use as the foundation of your recommendations, such as data, age, insured vs. uninsured, race, ethnicity, etc. Include this in your memorandum as foundational data and information to base your recommendations back to the CEO.

While a memorandum can be in any professional format, it is expected that content is original, founded in best practices, and scopes of care with all external authors had APA citation to the sources in the body and on the last page with an APA reference list.

Grading Criteria

Student writing should be at the academic level, unbiased language in the third person, and proper healthcare and legal vernacular.

Assigned papers will require APA formatting (most current edition), including the title and reference pages. If you are unsure how to format using APA style, please see the Writing Center or Syracuse Library Citation Guide: APA .

Excluding the APA title and reference pages, the papers should be between 1,000 - 1500 words in the body. The word count requires the substance to be concise, robust, logical, and demonstrate complete knowledge of the weekly content. Although not in proper APA formatting, please include the word count for the paper's body at the very bottom of the title page. For assistance with determining the word count, please see the following Microsoft Word resource.

The body of the paper should include first level APA headings for all content or topics when required. Having the required content as first-level headings will support students in meeting the content requirements and the paper's focus on the required subjects. Students are welcome to add subheadings at the second or third levels, but the first level is required. The APA Style Headings can assist with formatting headings.

All sources used within the paper's body (directly and paraphrased) must be cited in the body of the paper and on the required reference page per APA requirements and should not exceed 20%. Content from other sources that exceed 20% could indicate a lack of originality or possibly plagiarism and will be addressed following the Academic Integrity Policy noted below.

Third-party plagiarism software, such as Turnitin, may be used to assess the originality of a student's work in any assignment, papers, and quizzes, or exams to rule out plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Students Name
University Affiliation
To: Chief Executive Officer of Regional Medical Center
From: Chief Administrative Officer
Subject: Recommendations for Robust Population Health Initiatives for the Hospital
Date: 27th/April/2023
Having robust population health initiatives for the regional medical center is crucial for two main reasons. The first is that the patients can get tailor-made services depending on their illnesses. The second advantage is that the facility will be able to reduce healthcare costs involved in the continuous readmission of patients for the same diseases. Robust population initiatives focus on analyzing the health concerns of a specific population and the determinants of healthcare outcomes of that population and then go further to design evidence-based initiatives that will ensure the overall healthcare costs are reduced and healthcare outcomes are improved. In this regard, the regional medical center should focus on creating a more robust population health initiative. Therefore, this memorandum serves as an advisory letter on the way forward by providing recommendations on the various evidence-based initiatives the facility can adopt that align perfectly with the current healthcare regulatory framework. The suggested recommendations in this memorandum are focused on ensuring there is increased access to healthcare among specific populations that frequent the facility, ensuring that the overall healthcare costs are reduced for both the patient and the healthcare facility, and ensuring that the quality of life of the involved populations is improved and that the organization's good impact is felt in the region and people it serves. Additionally, a close analysis of various statistical data regarding the populations that the healthcare center serves will be initially analyzed to ensure a clear understanding of the healthcare needs and healthcare challenges of the people are understood.
Foundational Data Regarding the Healthcare Population
The healthcare population within the regional center comprises people from mixed ethnic and racial inclinations. According to the latest census data, nearly 1.5 million people are living within the region that the healthcare facility services. Out of the 1.5 million people, only half of this population is insured, while the other half is underinsured and uninsured. Statistical data of the patients visiting the healthcare facility is populated with a median age of 35. Notably, the older population aged 65 years and above is also a significant part of the population. The facility must consider all the demographic data regarding the health population it serves before designing the implementation initiatives.
Understanding the health needs of a population and developing population health initiatives requires accurate demographic data. By examining data on factors such as age, race, ethnicity, income, education, and health insurance coverage, healthcare providers can identify disparities and develop targeted interventions to improve health outcomes for specific subgroups. For instance, in an area with a high proportion of uninsured individuals, a population health initiative aimed at increasing access to preventive services and chronic disease management could lead to cost savings by reducing unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Additionally, initiatives focused on enhancing health outcomes for specific subgroups, such as increasing cancer screenings in communities with lower screening rates, can promote health equity and benefit both the hospital and the regional populations it serves.
Current Regulatory and Reform Requirements
Over the past few years, various healthcare and population health regulations and reforms have been introduced. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has played a crucial role in driving these changes, focusing on enhancing access to care, decreasing healthcare expenses, and encouraging value-based care. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have implemented several initiatives to improve population ...
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