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Business & Marketing
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Good Writing Skills

Essay Instructions:

Using the interview techniques you read about in chapter 8, interview (in person or by telephone) three business professionals about how they use writing in their careers. The following information must be included in your paper for each interviewee:

What is their position at the company?

Who (which audience – employees, customers, stockholders, etc.) do they write for?

How does good writing enhance their standing in their company, if at all?

What types of writing do they most engage in on a daily basis (e.g., reports, emails)?

What three pieces of advice would they give to people wanting to enhance their writing skills for the workplace?

Write a 2-3 page paper that reports the information gathered in your interviews and also includes at least two references to the articles researched this week supporting the claim that good writing skills are necessary for career success. This paper should have an introduction, a body including all interview information, and a concluding paragraph. Use APA style and include: A cover page, a descriptive abstract, (see pg 387-89 in Kolin) in-text citations and a references page.

Submit the assignment to your instructor by attaching the Word document ( in proper APA format) and clicking “submit.”

Graded out of 100 points

Due by 2/12 (11:59 pm)

Late submissions will receive a 5-point deduction per day late.

Submissions beyond 1 week will not be accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Good Writing Skills
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Excellent and practical writing skills in business organizations enhance clear communication, consequentially attaining the desired business results. Written communication can be done through administrative material, memos, reports, and emails, among others. Writing skills are essential in the business world because they ensure that business transactions are desired. Good writing skills ensure that the targeted audience understands the written message, thus boosting the company's credibility and reputation. However, if the message is poorly written, it may create a series of problems for the business, undermine its general performance and ruin its reputation. This makes writing an essential business skill. This paper addresses how different business professionals use writing skills and how good writing skills can help someone rise above their career.
Good Writing Skills
Most workplaces worldwide require people to have good communication skills if they wish to progress their careers despite their expertise, job, or field. In the business world, the primary forms of communication are written, verbal, and non-verbal (Business World, 2018). They are all essential, but written communication plays a more significant role in ensuring daily business activities run smoothly, making it an advantageous asset that can make someone rise above their career. Business communications in the written form include case studies, letters, sales material, emails, social media, reports, presentations slides, or any other business-related document (Hurley write, 2020). Three various business professionals were interviewed concerning how they incorporate writing in their careers. The business professionals interviewed were human resource managers, public relations consultant, and management consultant. Despite the audience you are writing to, someone's writing skills can boost their career or hinder their business progression.
Human resource is a profession the mainly deals with employee welfare and relation, contracts and recruitments, employee benefits and pay, and training. A human resource manager who was interviewed shared that writing is the main form of communication he has been using for the longest time. His audience is the employees he has to address often to ensure they are motivated to perform their tasks and address their concerns. The human resource manager also explained that good writing skills had enabled him to enhance his stand in many ways. First, his ...
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