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Pursuing a Career in the Field of Dancing and Choreography or Public Relations

Essay Instructions:

Key Dates
● Wed. 11/28: Post a draft to the discussion board.
● Mon. 12/3: Upload final copy to the TurnitIn link under “Major Projects” 
Assignment summary 
Write a formal report in which you analyze two different job positions in your major (or in a major area of interest for you). Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook <https://www.bls.gov/ooh/> at the Bureau of Labor Statistics as your major source of information.  
Incorporate two other supplemental sources, as found in peer-reviewed business journals or reputable mass-market publications (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Financial Times). 
Prepare your report as if you are trying to advise a job seeker about the requirements, benefits and drawbacks of these two occupations; state your advice explicitly in your conclusions and recommendations section.  
Required Information
● Required background, education level, certifications and credentials
● Working environment, major responsibilities, typical schedule
● Pay scale for the job 
● Geographic expectations, including state and area data on employment trends
● Job outlook, including comparisons to related fields 
In describing the information above, include at least five visuals, any combination of figures and tables adapted from the BLS websites linked above, business journals, or other authoritative sources.
Follow the model for formal reports, as outlined on pp. 369-388. Include the following sections:
1. Title Page (1 page)
2. Table of Contents (1 page)
3. Executive Summary (1 page)
4. Introduction  (a page or less)
5. Body of report, with sub headings, detailed analysis, and visuals (6 pages)
a. Conclusions and/or Recommendations (part of body)
6. APA formatted references page (one page)


Key Dates

        Wed. 11/28: Post a draft to the discussion board.

        Mon. 12/3: Upload final copy to the TurnitIn link under “Major Projects”


Assignment summary[1]

Write a formal report in which you analyze two different job positions in your major (or in a major area of interest for you). Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook <https://www.bls.gov/ooh/> at the Bureau of Labor Statistics as your major source of information. 


Incorporate two other supplemental sources, as found in peer-reviewed business journals or reputable mass-market publications (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Financial Times).


Prepare your report as if you are trying to advise a job seeker about the requirements, benefits and drawbacks of these two occupations; state your advice explicitly in your conclusions and recommendations section. 


Required Information

       Required background, education level, certifications and credentials

       Working environment, major responsibilities, typical schedule

       Pay scale for the job

       Geographic expectations, including state and area data on employment trends

       Job outlook, including comparisons to related fields


In describing the information above, include at least five visuals, any combination of figures and tables adapted from the BLS websites linked above, business journals, or other authoritative sources.



Follow the model for formal reports, as outlined on pp. 369-388. Include the following sections:


  1. Title Page (1 page)
  2. Table of Contents (1 page)
  3. Executive Summary (1 page)
  4. Introduction  (a page or less)
  5. Body of report, with sub headings, detailed analysis, and visuals (6 pages)
    1. Conclusions and/or Recommendations (part of body)
  6. APA formatted references page (one page)

[1] This assignment is worth 30 percent of your grade. The assignment  corresponds with formal report category on your syllabus.

Key Dates
● Wed. 11/28: Post a draft to the discussion board.
● Mon. 12/3: Upload final copy to the TurnitIn link under “Major Projects” 
Assignment summary 
Write a formal report in which you analyze two different job positions in your major (or in a major area of interest for you). Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook <https://www.bls.gov/ooh/> at the Bureau of Labor Statistics as your major source of information.  
Incorporate two other supplemental sources, as found in peer-reviewed business journals or reputable mass-market publications (e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Financial Times). 
Prepare your report as if you are trying to advise a job seeker about the requirements, benefits and drawbacks of these two occupations; state your advice explicitly in your conclusions and recommendations section.  
Required Information
● Required background, education level, certifications and credentials
● Working environment, major responsibilities, typical schedule
● Pay scale for the job 
● Geographic expectations, including state and area data on employment trends
● Job outlook, including comparisons to related fields 
In describing the information above, include at least five visuals, any combination of figures and tables adapted from the BLS websites linked above, business journals, or other authoritative sources.
Follow the model for formal reports, as outlined on pp. 369-388. Include the following sections:
1. Title Page (1 page)
2. Table of Contents (1 page)
3. Executive Summary (1 page)
4. Introduction  (a page or less)
5. Body of report, with sub headings, detailed analysis, and visuals (6 pages)
a. Conclusions and/or Recommendations (part of body)
6. APA formatted references page (one page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Formal Report
Due Date
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide guidance to anyone who could be interested in pursuing a career in the field of dancing and choreography or public relations. Information regarding certain careers may not be readily available and this article thus seeks to help make information regarding these two careers available.
The document contains several blocks of information starting with the introduction. Here, general information regarding career paths is provided. The introduction includes certain snippets which can be important to a person who is about to choose their career paths.
After the introduction, the next bit includes information regarding the career of public relations. Specific information regarding the career of a public relations specialist is provided including the pay scale, job outlook, education background, geographic expectations, and working environments, and responsibilities of a public relations specialist. One of the major findings with regards to the public relations field is that it will remain relevant for a long time The next section includes information regarding the dancing and choreography careers. As was done in the public relations section, the reader is provided with information specific to the career of dancing and choreography. Pay scale, job outlook, education background, working environments, job responsibilities, and geographic expectations are but some of the pieces of information that have been provided. One major finding regarding a dancing or choreography career is that it is unpredictable and one may have to be exceptional if they are to succeed or break the ceiling in this field.
Last but not the least is the conclusion and the recommendations section. Here, the last sentiments are offered and individuals who wish to pursue these careers are gifted with last pieces of information to help them decide their career paths.
Choosing a career is one of the most important things in life. There are numerous things that one is forced to assess which should lead them towards their career of choice. However, other factors also appear always to force themselves on people as they seek to make career choices. One major factor is parents. Parents influence their children’s lives a great deal, and some even appear to want to assert their will upon the lives of their children. Stories have been told of parents who force their children to do certain courses or to major in certain fields in the hope of making them turn out to be just like themselves. Parents thus play a great role in the career paths of their children.
Another factor that influences a person’s career choices or path is the current trends. Anyone who is keen on what is happening around them will consider these factors before they make a final decision. This is because current trends do shape and influence the world’s trajectory and people want to be in line with these changes. So, students want or have to assess the world and then make sure that their career choice fits or is in line with what is happening in the world.
In this article, two career paths will be discussed, and everything with regards to these career paths will be revealed. The two careers include public relations specialist and dancing or choreography. These two are wildly different and have varying requirements and below is an elucidation and in-depth outlook of each including the job requirements.
Public Relations Specialists
First of all, it is crucial to note how easy it can be to ignore the work of a public relations specialist. However, acknowledging this can help an organization appreciate the work done by its public relations specialist. Below is some career-specific information related to the field of public relations
Required Background, Education level, Certifications, and Credentials
As indicated in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the typical entry-level education is a bachelor’s degree. So, one has to take their time in school and study to be a public relations specialist. However, when it comes to required background, the website notes that previous work experience in a related occupation, as well as the on-the-job-training, are not required. What this means is that one can be employed as fresh as they are from school.
However, there are several certifications and credentials that one needs which help to show that a person has indeed mastered the art of public relations. One such certification includes the Accreditation in Public Relations. This certification sets a person apart from their peers. It helps to sell an individual by showing that one is well versed with the knowledge, abilities, and skills that are required in the field of public relations. This certification is widely known and is recognized by the Public Relations Society of America.
Another important certification is the Communication Management Professional (CMP). This is special as well and mainly seeks to showcase that a person knows how best to communicate. Communication is key in the field of public relations, and one cannot be regarded as an accomplished public relations specialist if they do not know how to communicate effectively. The Global Communication Certification Council offers this certification, and it helps to show that a person knows how to use their communication skills to help an organization achieve its goals.
Working Environment, Major responsibilities, Typical Schedule
The work environment for public relations specialists is mainly in an office. However, this is not definite because one cannot sell the image of a company or business if they are enclosed in a cubicle. So, at times, one will be required to attend outdoor events and be a part of community projects to help communicate a particular image of the company to the public. From the BLS website, “long workdays are common, as is overtime.” This means that as a public relations specialist, one needs to be prepared to work for long hours.
When it comes to the major responsibilities, BLS notes that public relations specialists “create and maintain a favorable public image for the organization they represent.” Public relations specialists determine what news reaches the media and are even involved in managing the social media accounts of an organization. As a result of the changing trends and times, Elliot (2011) notes that the Public Relations Society of America did embark on a project whose aim was to incorporate the latest trends. Public relations specialists must always stay current and help ensure that they are among the first people to receive any information that pertains to the organization. Failure to do this might jeopardize the future of the organization which might be caught off-guard especially when something that seeks to damage its reputation happens. In everything, a public relations specialist aims to sell a good image to the public and to increase the organization’s appeal.
Other responsibilities as listed by BLS include:
* Responding to information requests from the media.
* Helping clients communicate effectively with the public.
* Help maintain their organization’s corporate image and identity.
* Draft speeches and arrange interviews for an organization’s top executives.
When it comes to the schedule, a public relations specialist is expected to work between 35 to 40 hours a week. However, as already indicated, this can be stretched depending on the issues at hand. One might work overtime several times or find themselves in the office late into the night especially when an organization is fighting a battle to salvage its reputation.
Pay Scale for the Job
Information from BLS reveals the median wage for public relations specialist to be around $59,500. Thi...
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