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Purchase Journal Variables Including Tastes and Preferences

Essay Instructions:

For the next week, keep a detailed purchase journal that includes what you’ve purchased and why. For each entry, label the purchase as a necessity or a want. Analyze your journal and write a paper that discusses your journal results and how your purchases were impacted by the Consumer Decision Making Process.

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Purchase Journal
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Consumer behavior is shaped by many factors. The purchases that a person makes are dependent on many variables including tastes and preferences, affordability durability, availability among others. The consumer decision making process is influenced by one or more of these factors and dictates how one makes their purchases. Often, products are available in a wide variety. The varieties are often competing and each has an advantage over another. The thought process which leads a customer to settle on one particular product and or service while leaving others is what is defined as consumer behavior (Herbig & Day, 2013). Some of the key factors that influence, inform and shape consumer behavior include price, quality, convenience and durability, among others.
Technology has redefined consumer behavior in a major way. It has helped customers to make more informed choices regarding the products they purchase (Erasmus, 2011). Based on a journal of purchases kept, I realized that most of purchase decisions were largely influenced by some of the reviews I see online. Positive reviews of a product attracted me to try it out while negative reviews discouraged me from trying. Technology not only shapes what consumers think about certain products but also causes the same consumers to influence those around them.
Although technology has given consumers more powers in terms of decision making, it has also seen a complexity in decision making (Holbrook & Hirshman, 2012). There is a now a myriad of choices at the disposal of consumers which makes it difficult for them to make a choice. Sometimes I find myself spoilt for choice and get confused on what to pick. All the varieties ate enticing in their own may making it more complex to make a decision. It is however, an advantage when the range is wide as it means that the quality is likely to go up. Every business will try their best to have good quality to ensure that they meet the expectations in the market.
There are a whole lot of factors that influence consumer behavior. The dairy product that I purchase today is perhaps not the one am likely to purchase the next time am out shopping. The wide range of goods available makes me want to try out new products just to have an experience of the same.
The emergence of digital platforms has contributed largely to the change in consumer behavior. It is a change whose time has come and cannot be ignored. Consumer behavior is now no longer predictable as was the case previously. The only way perhaps businesses can keep up is to ensure that they stay in tandem with changing trends and remain dynamic.

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