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Psychology of Waiting Lines

Essay Instructions:

This paper should be written in your own words and include:

An introduction stating the thesis, position, or central theme you plan to take or consider in your paper.

A main body that provides a cogent, well documented case in support of your thesis, position or central theme.

A conclusion concisely stating the main points of your analysis and the conclusions you reached.

Grading will be based on how closely you follow directions, critical thinking, writing, use of sources and mechanics, including use of in-text citations.  Your essay should be 3 to 4 pages in length (not counting your title page or references). You must include a title page and a list of references. APA formatting is preferred. Do not paste in sections of text into your essay. All of your work must be written in your own words. It’s OK to use a short quote now and again, but quotations must be in quotation marks and properly cited. In-text citations should be used anytime you are borrowing somebody else’s ideas, or information. That is to say, if you are borrowing a thought from a publication from B. Rubble’s article written in 2010, that section of text must be followed with (Rubble, 2010). Quotations, data, and general ideas (put into your own words) should all be cited

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology of Waiting Lines
Institutional Affiliation:
Psychology of Waiting Lines
Long queuing lines are awful to any business. For example, a long queue of customers in a large departmental store’s checkout region can drive away a few clients from making a buy, or simply leave the customers exasperated. They may also be more averse to return. Additionally, when customers see that the purchase time is to check out in a particular store, they may never come to purchase again in the same warehouse CITATION Ray11 \l 1033 (Smith, 2011). Therefore, it is important to make service delivery fast or even tolerable for clients to acquire loyalty and more woo more customers. The subject has affected many organizations, thus, drawing attention from scholastic researchers about the statistical hypothesis of waiting in queue lines. The essay will explore the tools necessary to make waiting in many businesses or organizations check out region more tolerable. It bases its assessment on the impacts of holding up times of including servers, changing line of requests in which clients are served and accelerating serving times.
The first tool is entertaining customers and making them busy. It is the answer to the popular psychology waiting strategy that states that the more cutomers’s time is occupied, the shorter the waiting CITATION Adr14 \l 1033 (Furnham, 2014). Many organizations’ waiting regions are installed with electronics such as TVs that customers will keep themselves busy with as they await services. Most people regard the time used in lining up before a service as a waste of time. It is imperative to fill the time with activities that the customers will regard them useful. The customers may follow news bulletins from the TV, listen to music or read the magazines to fill the waiting time. The use of entertainment tools in queue management has been regarded to bear a strong relationship with making customers comfortable and reducing queuing stress CITATION Sea11 \l 1033 (Silverthorne, 2011).
The other tool is communication. The tool acts as the answer to the psychological perception that the waits that are explained are much shorter than the ones unexplained. Many things can happen when serving the clients and thus, delays are inevitable. Most loyal clients are forgiving and understanding when they are told about the underlying circumstances as to why they will have to wait for some time CITATION Tut11 \l 1033 (Tuttle, 2011). It is the reason providing the customer with exact information concerning the length of time they will take at the checkout point. The idea of how long they will have to queue before offering a service can be joined by a conciliatory sentiment that is associated with far in indicating appreciation for the client and their time. The better framework is to furnish clients with a visual or sound prompt about the work being done behind the service scene. Normally, reasonable clarifications will have a t...
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