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Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media

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Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media
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Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media
In business and marketing, a new product can be defined as goods and services which have a significant difference in their characteristics or intended uses from products previously produced by the firm. To create awareness of the existence of such products and services, many business owners and marketers employ the use of mass media, as well a targeted media to promoting and sell these products or services, including market research and advertising, for purposes of profit ( Chan, et al.). The mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. This technology is the primary means of communication to reach the general public over a full geographical setting or location. Targeted media, on the other hand, means using a specific media platform to target a specific niche and groupings of people due to their proximity and use of that said platform. The following are ways to promote a new product using mass and target media.
The mass media has some channels which can be used to promote a new product. These channels include newspapers, magazines, radio or television. This is done through media kits or advertising rate cards which facilitate in developing the promotion message as well as their strategy. These media kits are very crucial, considering they contain the much-needed information about the audience, such as their demographics (age, sex, gender). It is from these demographics that the new product is put out to the public. In promoting the new product using mass media, outdoor advertisements on billboards, fliers, posters will be appropriate, publishing the new product in newspaper or magazines, the use of television or movies to place adverts as well as the use of radios. The mass media has grown to be very effective in promoting a new product. It does not only reach a larger audience of consumers or people who may be interested in t...
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