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Summary Project

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction 4
Analysis Framework 5
Overall sporting infrastructure 5
Accommodation and transport 7
Security, safety, and health9
Commercial components 9
SWOT Analysis 11
Project Classification 12
Project Life Span14
Initiation and Definition18
Execution and Control20
Shortage Of Skilled Manpower23
Cybersecurity Risks23
Budget Overrun23
Weather Affecting Construction Continuity24
Roads And Car Movements Traffic24
Construction Injuries24
Success Metrics25
In the 21st century, we have seen major advancement and changes in the landscape of global sporting events particularly football. Developing countries across the globe are now competing to stage sporting mega-events, like Olympic Games or FIFA World Cup. Such expansion in the growing competition among nations to host mega-events reflects can be attributed to governments increasing awareness in the economic potential of sports as an attractive and majorly untapped source of income. Over the years, the competition to host sporting events including football has tremendously expanded. Mega-events attract construction, transport, accommodation, and tourism. These mega-events are platforms for commercial attraction that can support multiple sector in one country’s economy especially the services sector.
The Saudi 2030 FIFA World Cup hosting bid aims to continue the Kingdom’s progress in the global sports seen as major player when it comes to hosting the biggest global event. This would be an extension to the major events that the Kingdom hosts every year such as Formula 1, International Tennis Tournament, major boxing fights, WWE and the Italian and Spanish Super Cups. The 2030 World Cup is another significant step for Saudi Arabia, to open up and showcase itself as a welcoming host for the world-class sporting events.
The FIFA World Cup is the most important football event, and the greatest celebration of human union in the spirit of sport everywhere in the world. Hosting the FIFA World Cup is an extraordinary honor and great opportunity for any country. Starting from the FIFA World Cup 2026 in United States, Canada and Mexico, the new format of the FIFA World Cup will apply, which means unlike previous tournaments, there will be a greater number of teams and matches, as a result it will be even more necessary to have enough stadiums and modern infrastructure. As well as it is important to have all the capabilities needed to support larger populations of fans, whether they are attending matches in person, participating in a FIFA Fan Fest, or connecting from across the globe.
Analysis Framework
Although the football industry is at different points of development in our nation, we will have a commitment to develop the sport in ways that will benefit FIFA and the entire global football community.
In preparation of the World Cup, care must be taken on the timely development of different types of infrastructure:
* Overall sporting infrastructure
* Accommodation and transport
* Security, safety, and health
* Commercial components
Overall Sporting Infrastructure
The FIFA World Cup will be held in 3 host cities and 11 stadiums. Each group teams will have the opportunity to play in all of the three host cities. While the knockout stages will be limited to 2 cities. The opening and final matches will be held in the national stadium in Riyadh. The country has relatively a good infrastructure that can be improved to host the FIFA World Cup. Due to the scale of the tournament, Saudi Arabia must upgrade at least two of its existing stadiums. The three largest stadiums include: King Fahd International Stadium and Prince Mohammed bin Fahd Stadium. Apart from King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Jeddah which was built with the state-of-the-art standards. Current stadiums in Saudi Arabia has the highest average age of 28 years unlike peer nations (GCC) with similar hosting ambitions.
The existing infrastructure requires extensive refurbishment and commissioning new projects. Saudi Arabia must improve the existing football infrastructure by improving in addition to building new stadium to win to bid for hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030. Hosting the FIFA World Cup in Saudi Arabia will boost the country’s sport profile and economy. Football is largely a popular sport in the world including Saudi Arabia. Although organizing the event requires huge financial investment, tourism legacy from the mega-event will create revenue for affiliated sectors while increasing the levels of employment.
The country continues to make investments in sports and related infrastructure. Hence, Saudi Arabia has the resources to host FIFA World Cup and exhibit its football culture to the world. In addition of upgrading the existing stadiums. Saudi Arabia will be built 8 more stadiums in Riyadh, Al Khobar, Jeddah. One of the stadiums will be in a sports village which will be built in Riyadh, Al Qiddiya project. The sports village will include hotels with more than 20,000 rooms to accommodate fans, media and athletes.
The biggest Fan Zone ever will be located in Riyadh, Al Qiddiya. The project of Qiddiya is set to become the Kingdom's capital of Entertainment, Sports, and the Arts to meet and satisfy the recreational, social and cultural needs of current and future generations. The new modern infrastructure will be used to promote events and participation across a variety of athletic endeavors and skill levels, promoting the lifestyle benefits of health and wellness. Qiddiya will be the main attraction of the World Cup activities and will host main event as the headquarters of the tournament.
Accommodation and Transport
It is one of the major challenges facing our project. We need to have sufficient levels of general accommodation to meet the requirements. We need to consider the hotels and general accommodation across all proposed host cities. When it comes to transport, the assessment of the transport infrastructure and services identified numerous significant challenges.
* The international accessibility: all of the host cities would be expected to act as gateways for international visitors, while also handling a marked increase in domestic flights between the proposed host cities.
* Intercity connectivity: Saudi Arabia has huge improvements in recent years, due to the building of new high-speed rail and metro lines and new road improvements.
* Public transport: the capacity between city centers and stadiums is currently low, and the bid would rely on a combination of new public transport upgrades and the temporary channels to improve the mobility.
In terms of the current infrastructure for transportation. King Khalid airport was recently expanded to accommodate more passengers. While, King Fahad Airport in Dammam, require further upgrade to improve passenger’s experience. King Abdulaziz Airport was recently opened and is considered one of the best airports in the world with technologies used and services provided. We expect that the 2024 FIFA World Cup will record at least a 6 million tourists.
When it comes to the ground transportation, the newly built Riyadh Metro will be fully operational and ready by first quarter in 2021. In addition to, a complex bus system will connect all metro stations and football stadiums and fan zones. The project as planned by the government will work on a new Jeddah Metro which will be delivered by the 3rd quarter of 2026. While in Khobar, the transportation plans will be limited to cars and busses, given that number of matches and expected games does not require a complex metro system. All the cities landscape and stadium surroundings infrastructure will be developed to be walking friendly. This will ensure reducing cars traffic and the overwhelming use of public transportation.
Security, Safety and Health
The plans for security and safety are considered to cover all security and safety-related activities and site strategies required for hosting an event of the magnitude of the FIFA World Cup. Health and medical requirements found that the country has a range of good quality private hospitals and clinics in the host cities.
Short-term and Long-term Commercial Components and Social Impact
Without a doubt, the 2030 FIFA World Cup would be the largest spending occasion/event hosted by Saudi Arabia ever, with significant volumes of public and private capital to be mobilized. Approximately $3 billion would be spent on the construction and upgrade of stadiums and event-related infrastructure. A further $1.7 billion would be spent on security, marketing, operations, and on the ceremonies.
We plan that the revenues and other commercial benefits will be mostly derived from the services sector that will support the events. We will follow the concept of indirect revenue which intends to generate income from sources other than the primary operations of your business. As the country will subsidize ticket prices to encourage fans to fill all the stadium. This scheme is not new when it comes to hosting the World Cup. Back in 2018, Russian residents were offered with sharply discounted rates, with their cheapest tickets on offer at 1,280 rubles (approx £15) for group matches, an increase on the equivalent prices for the 2014 tournament and that is roughly in line with prices South African fans paid in 2010.The FIFA secretary general, Fatma Samoura, said: “We wanted to make sure that we priced tickets fairly to make the events accessible to as many people as possible. We therefore conducted thorough market research and have priced the tickets accordingly.”
With hosting the FIFA World Cup, the country hopes that it will contribute to the growth of the sports economy and its revenue in line with vision 2030. The vision targets the sports sector as one that should grow to maximize non-oil revenues. The kingdom has already started investing in the Saudi Football Primer league and as a result it has clamped the ranking of the most valuable leagues in Asia to come second to China and the 12th globally with a value of 315 M euros. The sports sector and football in particular is becoming very attractive globally for governments to grow especially it can contribute to countries GDP.
To take the United Kingdom as an example. The Football Primer league has led to wider benefits for the UK, from tax contributions to the Treasury, to creating employment and attracting international tourism. An EY Economic Impact Assessment estimates that the League and the 20 clubs contributed £3.3billion in taxes a year to the UK economy. A 100,000 jobs were supported by the League and its 20 clubs. The number of people who travelled to the UK to watch a Premier League club is estimated to be around 686,000 people a year. The value added to the economy by the Premier League reaches £7.6bn a year.
In addition, there are other indirect financial benefits that hosting such a huge event will generate. One of the main pillars in the Saudi Vision 2030 is to promote the tourism sector as part with their efforts to diversify the economy. The country has already started issuing online on the sport tourist visas. Hosting the FIFA World Cup 2030 will the perfect gate to showcase what the country has to offer and this will have long-term impact as people will comes and spend the services sector overall for years beyond the 2030. The kingdom is already taking on huge projects from developing the red sea islands to building the most technologically advanced cities the world has ever seen (NEOM). Not only that, but Saudi Arabia has also developed and continues to improve the entertainment seen in the country as for example, the biggest entertainment park in world which includes six flags, waterparks, malls, and a sport city is set to be completed before the World Cup. Most of all, Saudi Arabia currently has five World Heritage sites and government are improving to accommodate tourists.
On the other hand, there is the social impact that such an event can have domestically and regionally too. We except that hosting the World Cup will directly and indirectly improve participation people engagement in football and sports in general by 10%. As part of the vision and in line with our objectives set in hosting the World Cup, we believe that a healthy and balanced lifestyle is an essential mainstay of a high quality of life. We intend to encourage widespread and regular participation in sports and athletic activities, working in partnership with the private sector to establish additional dedicated facilities and programs. This will enable citizens and residents to engage in a wide variety of sports and leisure pursuits. We aspire to excel in sport and be among the leaders in selected sports regionally and globally. Saudi Arabia will target to increase the ratio of individuals exercising at least once a week from 13% of population to 40% by 2030.
SWOT Analysis
* Strengths - The sport industry is increasing its popularity and gaining attention of marketers. Hosting the World Cup in Saudi Arabia will increase awareness about the football and other sports in general. This will give Saudi Arabia a global presence, diversify sources of income.
* Weaknesses – Outdated existing football stadiums which will require a higher budged to not only improve existing infrastructure but also build new stadiums.
* Opportunities – As youthful country with 70% of the population under the age of 35, and with the huge number of Saudis in social media, this will increase the buzz surrounding the World Cup hosting and attract more people to the tournament. Which in hand will boost revenue by securing many sponsorship deals and the increased consumer spending on our products and services.
* Threats – The competition is high when it comes to wining the bid to host the World Cup. Other developed countries might have a competitive advantage as some of the previous tournaments which were hosted by developing countries did not go as planned.
Project Classification
Infrastructures and specially stadium developments are considered as a complex process that can be broken down from initial vision to the grand opening of the facility and subsequent operation. The progress in each phase need to be completed with positive results to be able to move forward to the next phase and commitment of all stakeholders has been made to go forward.
Depending on the complexity of the project, its size, the legal and administrative framework in which the project is taking place, the entire development process can extend 7-8 years. In the development of a project as complicated as a stadium need to involve various stakeholders. Due to the high complexity and the extent of required technical skills, it is of major importance to engage specialist and experienced personnel and consultants and professional services during the different stages of a project.
This will support the implementation of the process phases in proper time within budget and according to set standards and project objectives. Firm planning of the interlinked activities is required to make the development efficient and effective, and to ensure maximization of opportunities is accomplished.
Our project is considered as a complex and risky business. It's one of the most dynamic, risky and challenging businesses and with many major projects failing to meet deadlines and cost targets, and costs overruns and delays are common in all major mega sporting events.
We have set project goals that will target providing a greater number of teams and matches, this will be ac...
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