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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
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Project Part 4: Strategic Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Project Part 4 is the final written analysis of your company’s strategic plan. Be sure to include:


Executive Summary

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Project Part 4: Strategic Analysis Name Institution Affiliation Project Part 4: Strategic Analysis McDonald's strategic plan would determine the primary objectives and goals of the company. The objectives provide the framework that guides the company's actions and policies. It also separates strategic, and an objective-based program aimed at improving the company's growth. The primary goal of McDonald is globalization and addressing significant internal challenges such as those that required in marketing. For example, adverts that focused on children and diversification into health, food programs require immediate action. The marketing department faces dynamic challenges that have affected its ability to pursue new opportunities (Razaka et al., 2017). However, with the need to adopt the necessary marketing strategies require a reliable program that provides the best decisions for the company to achieve its goals. Therefore, one of the best steps is to explore every opportunity in marketing and increasing the company's sales. The company has explored strengths in establishing the new markets. Furthermore, it has investigated new opportunities especially in countries with growing economies. It approaches global markets with the aim of increasing the market segment. Besides, it has tried to adapt to the customer needs in the new environment (Kangas et al., 2016). The new strategies would address the existing threats and improve its services thus attracting more clients. Competition has risen over the past year. However, the company has managed to address significant issues linked to process variance and offers availed by the competitors. The company is further trying to mitigate the present risks by developing a reliable system that meets the required standards. The risk mitigation strategies also aimed at reducing the major problems noted in marketing and supply chain management in the new markets. The company has different potentials overs...
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