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Strategic Analysis McDonald's Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Now that you have conducted a cultural review along with developing some marketing strategies for entry into the country, it is time to begin the third part of the project, which continues from Project Part 2. Using the same company of choice that is proposing an expansion opportunity oversea, conduct a strategic audit on the following areas:

Internal environment

External environment


Problem analysis

Recommendations and implementation costs

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Analysis
Institution Affiliation
Strategic Analysis
McDonald's mission is to provide a favorite destination for its clients to eat and drink. The purpose reflects on its new strategies on overseas markets. It continues to provide the best experience to their customers through quick restaurant services. McDonald has an opportunity of controlling different market shares through strategic plans based overseas expansion. It places the significant strengths on its brands. It offers unique products, and this provides it with an opportunity to acquire a new market share across the world.
Internal Environment
McDonald's has the most efficient corporate culture that provides the best employees-business relationships. It exhibits all aspects of business and social responsibility. The company further promotes its employees based on their talents and skills, thus sustaining a competitive working environment. It has a strong global presence and a global brand that serves over 150 countries. However, it has some weaknesses such as reduced adverts that target children and faced with competition from other restaurants.
Furthermore, the rising shifts to organic food have also influenced its products. It has significant opportunities in expanding and adapting the needs of society. It has also expanded its menu to accommodate healthy meals such as salads. On the other hand, it is threatened by foreign currency fluctuations and competition.
External Environment
The external environment factors also influence overseas expansion strategies. Economic factors such as inflation and GDP rates vary from, and unemployment rates would reduce the demand for food items, and this would affect McDonald. A political environment such as tax laws and foreign trade policies have a significant influence on the business. Technological factors improve productivity and innovation (Anaf et al., 2017). Also, socio-cultural factors such as lifestyle changes and population growth ra...
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