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Module Four Assignment: Operations Management Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Module Four Assignment: Operations Management Lean Manufacturing The four processes in tea manufacture that fail need to improve worth based on the lean principles of manufacturing, which include steps 4, 8, 13, and 21. Step# 4, which involves a Bag of Tea being Reweighed, is optional because it is categorized as over-processing. There were various weigh-ins for the produce, and it appeared to be redundant. The original measurement of unrefined tea leaves fails to add value to the leaves, but it might affect the value of the leaves because of overhandling; it is optional. Step#8, which involves removing leaves from pans and the reweigh, was not necessary since it is an extra over-processing phase, which is not required. The removal does not disturb the final weightiness of the packing since there are no stages afterward that affect the quantity of the leaves once more. Moreover, step#13, which comprises removing leaves from trays and reweighing and throwing poor quality leaves, was too repetitive because almost every step listed "reweighing" of the leaves. It can be removed to cut the time. The last step is #21, which states that leaves are weighed. The step is also unnecessary because one can detect the closing weighing on line 23 of the diagram. Removing this stage will not affect the final weight of the output but save time and energy. Sustainability After exploring the flowchart, I realized that two steps should be uninvolved to advance environmental sustainability. First, step#2, which states that "leaves are put in 50kg bags," necessitates a new approach to packaging. We might change to...
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