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Project Execution, Control, and Closure Proposal

Essay Instructions:

1)5?pages paper in which you

Provide a brief summary of the project

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1 Provide a summary of your project
2 Identify and discuss your project’s greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a recommendation for addressing each of the challenges
3 Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management (EVM)
4 Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project
5 Discuss your plan to properly close your project when it’s over
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Date of Submission
Project Summary
The US immigration policy has been criticized the world over due to the unspeakable anguish and misery that it causes on children. The child-unfriendly policy is informed by the need for deterrence to future illegal immigrants. However, it ignores the safety risks that child immigrants face and violates the Fifth Amendment right to family integrity as it separates children from their parents CITATION Per21 \l 1033 (Perez, 2021). Subsequently, asylum-seeking children are exposed to irreversible psychological torture, and some are never reunited with their families.
America started regulating immigration soon after gaining independence. Numerous immigration laws have since been enacted to restrict illegal border crossings. The country's 20th-century immigration flow shifted away from western and northern European nations and even Asia and eastern and southern Europe CITATION Jag14 \l 1033 (Jaggers, Gabbard, & Jaggers, 2014). In response, immigration laws were enacted in 1921 and 1924 to cap the inflow of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe, even though it favored northern and western European countries. Several immigration legislations have been passed targeting to restrict immigrants from Asia and Latin America. Some of these laws violate the fundamental human rights of children seeking asylum.
Most illegal immigrants are children escaping conflict, violence, and poverty in their home countries. Despite their plausible claims to asylum, these children suffer abuse, neglect, and detention. The detained underage children are not only separated from their parents but are forced to live in deplorable conditions.
The morality of immigration control, especially about child migration, is a raging debate between protecting the country's sovereignty and respecting the fundamental human right to self-determination. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms the universal right of emigration. Yet, all states agree that they also have the right to decide which groups or individuals should be allowed entry CITATION Wei96 \l 1033 (Weiner, 1996). America's immigration policies are fundamentally underpinned by moral questions on the one side and the rights of those requesting entry on the other.
America’s right to border control is closely tied to the merits and demerits of migration. Immigrants not only enrich and diversify the host country's culture but also augment labor shortages. On the contrary, immigration is linked to increased pressure on public services, overpopulation, social conflicts, and reduction in real wages, especially for low-skilled local workers. This research presents and justifies the need to investigate the different ethical considerations and costs of child migration while also illustrating the practical ways in which such a study is conducted.
Research Title
Child Migration: Ways of Navigating the Ethical Debate between America’s Right to Exclude and Immigrants’ Right to Self-Determination
Research Objectives
The objectives of the study are:
1 To determine the values that conflict with the debate over child migration;
2 To investigate the moral obligation of the US (and other countries) in accepting child migrants with plausible claims to asylum;
3 To examine immigration laws that favor children and vulnerable groups
4 To establish an ethically justifiable method to limiting child migration; and
5 To develop ways of navigating the conflicting arguments related to America's right to border control and migrants' right-to-self-determination.
Key Milestones and Deliverables
The three critical milestones are (1) establishing foundations, (2) evidence and data collection; as well as (3) evaluation and consolidation. The first milestone (Establishing Foundations) involves surveying relevant literature to deepen the researcher's comprehension of the research issues. A thorough literature review was then conducted and u...
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