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Video case 1: Privacy / Employment at Will: Fired for Whistling?

Essay Instructions:

To access the case study, go to McGraw Hill Connect (note you will need to launch McGraw-Hill Campus in a new window).
Select "Connect" to the Resources.
Click on the "Library" tab.
Then click "Student Resources." You will then be taken to the McGraw Hill Student Resource Site.
In the left column, select "You Be the Judge." This will bring you to a list of video case studies for the course.
Click on Case Study #10 “Privacy/Employment at Will: Fired for Whistling?” to get started on this week's exercise. When you are finished, click "Print."
Here is the link: http://highered(dot)mheducation(dot)com/sites/0078023858/student_view0/you_be_the_judge.html
In addition to the PDF, complete the following:
1)IRAC Analysis (1-2 pages, described below)
2)Do you believe the judge came to the correct conclusion?
3)Are there any missing facts which would help sway someone to your position?
IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion, and it's a method for organizing legal analysis so that the reader can follow your argument. A sample of a completed IRAC AnalysisPreview the documentView in a new window has been provided for additional support.
State the question or problem that you are trying to answer (what might bring the parties into court). This can be in the form of a question or a statement depending on what your reader prefers.
However, in legal memos, one may state the conclusion up front (in case the reader is too busy to read through the entire analysis. Some professors also prefer that you state the conclusion up front.
State the rule or legal principle. This may take the form of stating the elements required for a prima facie case.
Some professors do not want you to explicitly state the rule (i.e., “The rule is…”). Rather, they prefer that you imply it in your answer. In other words, cut to the chase by focusing your rule statement on the part of the rule or element that is at issue.
State your evidence and explain how you will arrive at your conclusion. You may cite other cases, discuss policy implications, and discuss (discount?) cases that run counter to your conclusion.
Make sure that you weigh both sides and make counterarguments where appropriate.
Use case law, analogizing and distinguishing, and policy (for example, the goals of tort law) to work your way to a conclusion.
State your conclusion as a result of the analysis.
p/s I prefer it double space

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Privacy/Employment at Will: Fired for Whistling?
Zilian Han works for New Millennium Toys who is in charge of marketing the company’s product. She is the plaintiff in this case and sues the defendant for terminating her contract and breaching of her privacy rights. Defendant argued that Zilian, who was the marketing director, revealed very confidential company information in regard to harmful chemical on a jungle gym that is used by the children. Apparently, Han was worried because the risky chemical did not pass through tests that are conducted by FDA as the law demands. This therefore means that Han’s worry was a public policy concern because it could have harmed the public. Although she argues that she discussed the issue with another employee in the manufacturing department, no action was taken and she was horrified. The director of manufacturing instead allowed Han to continue marketing the product implying that its safe for use. Han further took personal initiative and approached her supervisor trying to voice her concern but even the supervisor could not help sort out the issue as it should be.
Suzanna Robertson, the defendant of the case who fired Han said that she was held up carrying out some activities when she was approached by Han. Robertson only asked if the director of manufacturing had given a go ahead to market the product of which she was very much dependent on when it comes to the quality of the product. She ignored Han’s concern of third parties who are going to use the product arguing that if there was anything then perhaps, someone from manufacturing department could have raised a red flag. Han however took a bold step in protecting herself by taking the matter to her attorney as a way of avoiding backl...
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