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Preparing for Negotiations and Distributive Bargaining

Essay Instructions:


After completing the required background readings, answer the following questions:

Calling to mind a workplace conflict that was negotiated (or researching an organizational conflict), what specific preparations can you identify? (It is OK to use the same conflict from Case 1 here, and expand upon it using the new questions below).

What else could have/should have been done to best prepare?

How did the bargaining play out? (Be as specific as possible.)

What was the outcome for each side? What was achieved, and/or what was left unresolved on the table?

What specific changes could you recommend to improve the process of resolving this conflict?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references

As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.

You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Preparing for Negotiations and Distributive Bargaining
Student's Name
University Affiliation
Professor's Name
Course Title
Due Date
Workplace Conflict Case
One of the vivid workplace conflicts I can call to mind happened in a small marketing firm. It involved two persons whose personalities crashed and threatened to interfere negatively with the project. Jose and Camila (not their real names) were assigned to work on a new marketing project. At the start of the project, Jose suggested that the best thing to do was to come up with a lot of ideas on how to approach the project so that it could be successful. On the other hand, Camila felt they should start by collecting fall necessary information and making a detailed plan for the marketing project. The two could not agree on the best first steps to take. Soon, their differences started escalating. Jose, the head of the project, started ignoring the suggestion made by Camila, the vice. The differences grew so much to the extent that the project would not be completed on time unless some intervention was made. At this point, the manager decided to step in and facilitate appropriate negotiations.
Specific Preparations
The manager made specific preparations to ensure the bargaining process was successful. Effective preparations are key to negotiation success (CREW Network, 2016). The first step was to call each party separately. Therefore, he helps a meeting with Jose and then another with Camila. During these meetings, he sought to understand the grievances of each party. He sought to understand the perspective of each party on why the project had derailed so much. After listening to each party, the second step was to inform each party of the importance of working in harmony for the success of the project. Therefore, he requested Jose and Camila to agree to a meeting where their differences could be resolved. In the meeting, the manager would be present. The third step was to facilitate a meeting between the two. During the meeting, Jose and Camilla discussed their differences and the reasons they were unable to work together harmoniously. They came up with suggestions on how to best deal with these differences for the best interest of the project. After lengthy deliberations, they came up with a detailed action plan on how to approach the project without any hitches.
What else could have been done to best prepare?
For better preparation, it would have been better for the manager to intervene earlier. The manager intervened when the situation had already become out of hand. If the manager had intervened earlier, the differences would not have escalated to the level where it threatened the timely completion of the project. Secondly, the manager should have sought the services of a conflict resolution expert to train Jose and Camila on the best ways to deal with conflicts once they arise. The manager may not have appropriate training to help deal with conflicts. Therefore, although the conflict was amicably resolved, another was likely to occur in the future. However, if a professional had been involved, Jose and Camila would have been equipped with skills to deal with conflicts before they escalated. These are some of the additional aspects that would have made the preparations for the bargaining better.
How the Bargaining Played Out
During the bargaining process, the manager started by requesting each party to say what they felt was the pro...
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