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Barrack Obama and Leadership Marketing Assignment

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Barrack Obama and Leadership Marketing Assignment

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Barrack Obama and Leadership
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Barrack Obama and Leadership
Barrack Obama was the first African-American to be democratically elected into office as the president of the United States of America. His election brought a change from the Caucasian president to a black man at the top office. This change was historic and proves some form of transformation in the very least of demographics. His style of leadership which is transformational played as a catalyst for the change. His change came at a controversial time when his name brought to question by Barrack which means peace showed his African heritage and Hussein which showed his roots in the Middle East. This was at a time when American had created stereotypes against Muslims because of the September 2001 terrorist attacks. His experience was also put into question since he had only one term in sent end was now competing for the presidency. He uses the transformational style of leadership and has the following leadership characteristics. Integrity whereby he is academically qualified for office. The former president was intelligent and was able to formulate policies that benefited every American (Elkatawneh, n.d.). Self-confident which is evident in the way that he delivers his speeches. He seems like an individual who believes in what they are saying. He is respectful, and this was evidenced throughout his career as the president where he was respectful to other leaders, and even during his international visits, he was respectful to the culture of the people he visited. He is a caring individual, and this is evidenced through Obama care whose main intention was to take care of those who cannot afford medical care.
His transformational leadership style is supported by the following aspects; cross-cultural, transformational charismatic and contingency-situational leadership. Before he was elected into office, he used his charismatic nature to attract Americans and foreigners. A charismatic leader is one with the ability to draw others to his side and motivate them in accomplishing something that is greater than themselves. A charismatic approach is considered transformational if it can invoke permanent change in the minds of the people who are following the leader. He presents himself as one who has accomplished the American dream, and this promoted his likability among civilians. During the first years as president, he was able to use some of his charisma to showcase the potential changes to be made both in domestic and foreign policy. Under the Bush administration, the image of the country had lost its shine. This is because of the unilateral foreign policy that had previously been established by the Bush regime. He developed a cross-cultural approach to the safety of Americans in mind and led people to think that he was not only after the interests of America alone but also after those of other states. By so doing he was able to gain worldwide support for his policies and agenda. During his first six months in office, he made the most international trips than any other president in history (Greenstein, 2009). After is firs...
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