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Planning Process of Silver Airways

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this project is to introduce you to the planning process and to complete a SWOT analysis to determine a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Using the information gathered to complete the SWOT, you will begin to build a Strategic Plan identifying and discussing the company’s goals and objectives.

Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment

Employ effective planning processes to develop strategies, goals, and objectives to enhance organizational performance and sustainability.

Instructions and Case Background

Note: Before starting work on Project I, you must read the Project 1 rubric very carefully.

You are requested to complete Project 1 in the role of a recent business degree graduate, newly hired by Silver Airways. Your manager has requested your assistance in conducting a SWOT analysis and developing the goals and objectives for a strategic plan. The strategic plan is necessitated by Silver Airways' CEO requesting an assessment of the airline’s ability to continue to grow and the subsequent steps it needs to take to make that happen.

You will use the course materials for Weeks 1 – 3 and your research findings based on Silver Airways' links below. This information will allow you to analyze the current state of Silver Airways to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

You will complete a SWOT table identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified for Silver Airlines. Based on your SWOT table, you will then develop and explain your goals and their related objectives.

Your manager has informed you of the following facts: Florida-based Silver Airways recently announced its acquisition of Seaborne Airlines, headquartered in Puerto Rico. Expanding its flight routes within the Caribbean makes the company the highest volume airline to the Bahamas and the Caribbean. In addition to its Bahamas and Caribbean flights, Silver Airways serves the southeast and a few northeast states.

Your manager has provided you with the links found below and indicated that route expansion, a new fleet of aircraft, and the acquisition of Seaborne Airlines should be considerations in your analysis. Of course, the focus of your analysis is Silver Airways and not Seaborne Airlines.

Your analysis, SWOT table, goals, and objectives must be supported by a logical and well-reasoned evaluation of the facts ascertained from the course materials and links provided.

Research Links

Silver Airways

Seaborne Airlines

Silver Airways-Seaborne Airways Acquisition

Silver Airways Announces Major Strategic Growth Developments and New Leadership

You may do additional research related to Silver Airways to enhance your SWOT analysis, SWOT Table, and goals and objectives.

Note: Your report must be based on the results of your own research. This means that you will research and draw your own conclusions, which must be supported by your independent research and the course materials. You are precluded from using any existing SWOT analysis, SWOT Table, and goals and objectives ascertained from anyone else's source material (e.g., internet sites, for-pay websites, existing documents, video resources, and the like). A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.

How to Set Up the Paper

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double spaced. Use 12-point font. The final product will be 5 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Write clearly and concisely.

Create an APA compliant title page that provides the paper's title, date, name, course number, section number, and instructor's name.

Use all of the following centered Bolded and left-justified Bolded headings in the same order they appear in completing your project.


Write an Introduction paragraph. The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will describe to the reader the intent of the paper, explaining the main points covered in the paper. This intent should be understood before reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper. The introduction is often written after the paper is completed. (Use in-text citations as required.)

SWOT Table

Using the research from the websites provided and any additional research, complete a SWOT Table for Silver Airways using the format below.

Provide a minimum of three strengths, three weaknesses, three opportunities, and three threats. See the grading rubric for specifics and further guidance.

Provide an in-text citation for each item presented in the SWOT Table.





SWOT Analysis: Silver Airways

Write a paragraph explanation for each quadrant (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) on the SWOT Table that explains each item in each quadrant (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Support your reasoning. Remember, there must be a minimum of three items in each quadrant. Be certain to label each of the paragraphs Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats and make it clear to the reader which item within each of those headings is being discussed. (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)

Strengths Explanations Paragraph

Weaknesses Explanations Paragraph

Opportunities Explanations Paragraph

Threats Explanations Paragraph

Goals and Objectives

You will now begin to build the framework for the Strategic Plan to be developed. Identify and explain three (3) major strategic goals that the company should attain based on its acquisition of Seaborne Airlines. Each strategic goal will be one sentence, followed by an explanation of the importance of each goal. (Use in-text citations as required.)

For each strategic goal, provide at least two one-sentence objectives to support each strategic goal. The relationship of each objective to its strategic goal must be demonstrated. (Use in-text citation as required.)

The assignment rubric displays how the assignment is graded and how to earn additional credit for various paper sections.

Make sure to use the research and course materials to support your analysis.

STUDENTS: The format and framework for your goals and objectives must be as follows:

STRATEGIC GOAL 1: Must be written as a one-sentence goal. The goal must be followed by a brief explanation of the goal's significance. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 1: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 2: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

STRATEGIC GOAL 2: Must be written as a one-sentence goal. The goal must be followed by a brief explanation of the significance of that goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 1: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 2: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

STRATEGIC GOAL 3: Must be written as a one-sentence goal. The goal must be followed by a very brief explanation of the significance of that goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 1: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)

Objective 2: Must be written as a one-sentence objective. The objective must be followed by a brief explanation of support for that objective, as it relates to its goal. (Use in-text citations and references as appropriate.)


Create a concluding paragraph. The conclusion paragraph highlights the major findings covered in the paper.


Use the checklist below to ensure your paper's compliance with assignment instructions.


Specific Project Requirements

Proofread your paper. Ensure your topic headings and format follow the above sequence.

Read and use the grading rubric while completing the paper to ensure all requirements are met to lead to the highest possible grade.

Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (the second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: http://www(dot)quickanddirtytips(dot)com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person.

Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.

Paraphrase and do not use direct quotations. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Removing quotation marks and citing is inappropriate. Instead, put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. There should be no passages with quotation marks. Using more than four consecutive words from a source document would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.

You are expected to use the research and weekly course materials to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material. The material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.

Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.

You may not use books in completing this problem set unless they are part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary, Wikipedia or Investopedia, or similar sources.

Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation. Since the eBook does not have page numbers, you must include the chapter title, section heading, and paragraph number.

For citations using a video, you must provide the minutes and second of the cited material.

Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder

The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered the student's final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is the correct submission. Where Turnitin is available, students are encouraged to modify their paper to bring the paper into compliance with proper citation requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Planning Process of Silver Airways
Student Name
Course Number
Section Name
Planning Process of Silver Airways
Silver Airways has recently purchased a Puerto Rico business Seaborne Airlines. The company has expanded its flights’ roots in the Caribbean region, making it the highest volume of airlines from Florida to the Bahamas and Caribbean (LinkedIn, 2021). Besides, the company has expanded its roots in the Southern and Northern states, which has created a strategic management process for the business venture (Silver Airlines, 2021). The company has launched its operations in 2011. Since its formation in Florida, the company averages over 124 flights per day. Its merger with Seaborne could provide great potential because it has operated in 12 Caribbean airports for the last 25 years (Inc Fact, 2021). The paper conducts a SWOT analysis for the company with the reason for each item. Based on which the strategic goals and objectives are set for the business. The strategic plan would allow the business to focus on initiating strategic decisions and determining the business’s overall direction in terms of progress adaptability and resilience.
                                                        SWOT Table


New Aircraft: Silver Airways announced
they were purchasing 50 new ATR-600
series aircraft. (Silver Airways, Press
Release, Aug 1, 2018
It has purchased 50 new aircraft, increasing its flights and attracting more customers. It has Florida and the Bahamas routes, allowing 125 daily flights in seventeen destinations (Reiser, 2017).

 The company has poor customer service, and the services’ average ratings are 2 out of 10 (Sky Trax, 2021).

Silver Airways has recently merged with Seaborne, which has created a regional strength in Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean (IBIS World, 2021).  

 Its market share is minimal, and it is ineffective in grabbing a large customer base (Forbes, 2021).

 The company has secured interline deals with Jet Blue, American Airlines, and others (IBIS World, 2021).

 It only has two flights outside the Florida and Caribbean, and Boston and Harbor, during the summer (LiknkedIn, 2021).



 Silver Airways has a vast opportunity to take advantage of the growing technology to serve customers right and partner with other booking businesses, increasing customer satisfaction and coordination with other transport services (IBIS World, 2021).

 The competition from United Airlines, Jet Blue, Delta, and other companies is a significant threat (Forbes, 2021).

 The company needs to connect its businesses with international destinations and networks (Forbes, 2021).

 The recent COVID-19 pandemic and rising fuel prices have hardly hit the airline industry (Forbes, 2021).

 The increased population has provided great opportunities and exploited the market needs (Forbes, 2021).

Since 9/11, terrorist attacks have implemented a severe threat to airlines industries, and they have to maintain huge planes and security checkpoints (Forbes, 2021).

                                               SWOT Analysis:  Silver Airways
It has recently announced to purchase 50 new aircraft, increasing its number of flights and attracting more customers. The increased number of routes and flights would be a great strength. Also, it has substantial routes in Florida and the Bahamas, which allows on average 125 daily flights to seventeen destinations. The company has increased expansion in different regions through frequent acquisitions for robust expansion (Reiser, 2017). Silver Airways has recently merged with Seaborne, which has created a regional strength in Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. The company has secured interline deals with Jet Blue, American Airlines, and many others. It has allowed the business to increase connectivity in different regions, which is essential to connect clients with their favorite destinations (Silver Airlines, 2021). Silver Airlines has gained massive popularity in the USA, broadening its client-service base.
The company has faced multiple reports of inadequate customer services, and the average ratings of the services are 2 out of 10, according to Star Trax, which has potentially damaged the company’s reputation. Secondly, its market share is minimal, ineffective in grabbing a large customer base. The lower market share leads to lower revenue generation and profitability (Sky Trax, 2021). It only has two flights outside the Florida and Caribbean and Boston and Harbor during the summer. These territories h...
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