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Plan for Business Optimization

Essay Instructions:

Referring to the specification of requirements from the chosen case, your report will: Leverage illustrative plans of basic milestones and timelines for the proposed operational changes that address the change need through a) the education of employees (a learning plan) and secondly b) informing of pertinent stakeholders (a communication plan). For each of the above illustrative plans, you will provide a written context to underpin the plan that will leverage appropriate change management theories and models that you have covered within the course or through your own independent research. Finally, you will reflect on how you as a change agent have addressed the culture of the simulated organisation that you are changing in, terms of its potential resistance to the change plan.

A draft format for the report might include:

Introduction – the organisation, need for change and required outcome - 300 words (inc strategy and vision as briefed by your colleague)

The education plan, model and justification 400 words ( inc learning contracts, loop model and organisation learning)

The stakeholder communication plan, model and justification – 400 words ( inc comm plan- stage messages and media)

Reflection of the challenges associated with overcoming cultural resistance to change 400 words ( inc Change agency; emotional resistance)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Plan for Business Optimization.
Plan for Business Optimization.
The simulated organization preparing for a change is a multinational corporation based in America. Dott-the company engages in the creation and selling of computer products, hardware, and software. Established in 1977, the entity has been in business for over forty years, waving through market challenges and trends. According to Johnson et al. (2019), Dott is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the " Apple " ticker symbol." Dott headquarters is based in California, coordinating functions of more than 500 retail stores in over twenty-five countries (Johnson et al., 2019). With a global commitment to offering personal computing experiences through stylish products and new technologies, the company embraces a new vision to guide operations. That includes “To become unchallenged leader in technological innovation, enable people worldwide to achieve more with company’s products and services while impacting society and environment positively.” This report aims to develop a plan that will sustain the optimization of business operations through organizational learning and communication approaches while reflecting on challenges related to cultural resistance.
Need for Change and Required Outcome
Businesses worldwide undergo and implement changes in their practices, policies, or structures to enhance operations. The transformation may arise from increasing demands of customers or environmental uncertainties compelling organizations to advance by improving ways of handling things. To realize the need for possible changes, a company must evaluate internal and external factors and bring the change to the overall vision and mission. Consequently, this impacts stakeholders or members, including workers, who should prepare well for the shift. Therefore, at Dott, the need for change is realized through a critical analysis of internal and external aspects. From an evaluation process, it is revealed that Dott’s success links to factors like brand image, customer dedication, and positive reputation in the market. However, the company faces challenges like stiff competition, changing consumer needs, and economic uncertainties that create the urge to evolve. The required outcome includes a rise and renewal optimization that will revive a focus on sustainability, innovations, and customer orientation. To achieve this, the strategy for the company will include integrating Lewin’s change management model.
The education plan, model, and justification
Dott's educational program will prioritize a systematic approach to learning and development to address the changing requirements of its employees. In order to accomplish this, Kotter's 8-step Model (Johnson et al., 2019) has been chosen as the change management model. This model comprises the following steps: instilling a sense of urgency, building a coalition of advocates, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the vision for change, enabling others to act on the vision, achieving quick wins, solidifying gains, and producing additional changes, and integrating new practices into the organizational culture.
Kotter's Model is suitable for implementing change because it offers a well-defined structure, and its incremental approach guarantees that each phase is adequately dealt with. Moreover, the Model highlights the significance of effective communication and teamwork in implementing change, which resonates with Dott's company culture that values inclusiveness and collaboration.
To facilitate the growth and development of employees, our organization will employ learning contracts and the loop model, which was proposed by Zhuang et al. (2012). Learning contracts are valuable for enabling employees to identify their learning objectives and goals. Meanwhile, the loop model provides a structured framework for feedback and reflection. This Model involves four key stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Following these stages, employees can systematically plan and act on their learning goals, monitor their progress, seek feedback, and reflect on their experiences to support their personal growth and development.
By utilizing organizational learning, Dott can establish a continuous improvement and learning culture to support the change. This can be achieved by creating channels for employee input and feedback and offering training and development opportunities that align with the organization's vision and strategy (Pereira, 2023). Through organizational learning, Dott can foster a lasting culture of change, integrated within the organizational culture and backed by all employees.
Stakeholders communication plan
The communication plan for stakeholders involved in the Dott change plan aims to notify them of the upcoming operational changes to be implemented. These stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, and suppliers. The plan will highlight the significance of the modifications and their beneficial influence...
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