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Business & Marketing
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Pitching Idea for a Startup Company

Essay Instructions:

For this discussion, please imagine that you walk into an elevator of a tall building and right before the doors close, Elon Musk and a friend also walk in. As the elevator lifts up you overhear Elon mention to his friend that he is looking for new and interesting companies to support as a venture capitalist. This is your chance to pitch your startup idea to him. Please prepare the following: think of an unsatisfied need that consumers may be interested in satisfying. This will be the motivation for your startup company. Your startup idea cannot be in the industry of the company that you are analyzing in the marketing plan. Please conduct an industry analysis to determine if the industry is growing and to uncover any consumer trends that may support your idea. Next, please work on understanding more about your target market, their needs, their lifestyles, their motivations for buying and using products. Please also consider how much, as an initial investment, your company would need to produce the product or the service and to begin distributing it to the final consumer. Use this analysis to outline your "background" discussion as you set the stage to deliver you elevator pitch for your startup company and its potential for success. The last part of your discussion will outline the elevator pitch - please summarize the most important information from your "background" section and present it as your elevator pitch to ask Elon Musk to be your venture capitalist. In your elevator pitch please make sure to discuss how you intend to raise awareness for your company and its products via IMC.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pitching My Idea for a Startup Company
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Pitching My Idea for a Startup Company
Pitching idea Startup Company plays a pivotal role in business and marketing. It offers an opportunity to introduce a business tenet to a limited time- from few seconds to a few minutes. Therefore, it tends to have several ways of conducting pitching, such as an oral presentation to underline a speech. Therefore, when innovators do not attract investors through the pitching, their businesses are likely to encounter severe difficulty scaling up and attaining widespread success. The paper tends to discuss pitching my idea for a startup company based on the information provided.
In business and marketing, satisfying clients' wants and needs is one of the most straightforward strategies for increasing profits and selling more products and services. Most significantly, my startup company is an online dating app known as Beast mode dating app. Moreover, the app requires investors to provide resources by raising offering startup cash to attain the company's objectives. However, several indications reflect that the Beast mode app can achieve massive profits if supported by investors. As the company director, I researched most people's love lives. I discovered several factors that triggered them to seek help. Loneliness, recent break-ups, or optimism to find their soul mates through the online platform tends to be the main factors. Therefore, the company played a pivotal role in satisfying the client's need by understanding the type of service and how it helps people.
Most importantly, the company has used few campaign strategies to promote its services to the client, such as advertising on the local televisions. Therefore, if investors such as Elon Musk support the company through startup cash, the company can use other advertisement strategies and expand the company's aware...
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