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Personal Statement MS in Business Analytics

Essay Instructions:

Essay1 Why are you choosing to pursue a degree in Business Analytics? (target up to 250 words)

Essay2 Why do you believe that the Boston University Questrom School of Business is a good fit for your studies and how did you come to this conclusion? (target up to 250 words)

Essay 3 What are your immediate post-graduation career plans, and how do they fit into your longer term professional goals? (target up to 250 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

MS in Business Analytics
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
MS in Business Analytics
Essay One
The world of business is changing a lot, which has increased the number of job opportunities in this field. Therefore, if individuals wish to work in the business industry, they should pursue a degree in business analytics. Such a degree is important because it enhances an individual’s communication skills presents many career opportunities and sustainability.
I have chosen a business analytics degree because it provides individuals with many skills that they can apply in the job field. When individuals study a degree in business analytics, they equip themselves with the communication skills needed to handle jobs in this field. Business analytics requires an individual to understand the technical and non-technical parts of the business. The person should also be able to communicate this information to their clients or the necessary parties. Therefore, the degree would help individuals develop the communication skills needed to present such information.
The industry of business analytics presents people with a lot of job opportunities. Therefore, if I pursue a degree in this course, I will likely get a job opportunity before graduating. The job opportunities also make it easy for an individual to get well-paying positions. It provides an individual with the flexibility to switch jobs for better opportunities.
A degree in business analytics also offers career sustainability. Businesses will always want analysts in the future. Such indicates that business analysts will always have jobs. This is unlike other industries where an individual is unsure how long their job opportunities would last in the job market.
Essay Two
I believe that the Boston University Questrom School of Business is a good fit for my studies because it carries out research to revolutionize management practices. The world of business is highly evolving, and therefore, it is important for an individual to study in an institution that makes them fit for the job market. Employees in the job market have been complaining about the learning institutions sending graduates who cannot handle j...
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