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Personal Ethics Development Paper

Essay Instructions:

Incorporate the terms found in the University of Phoenix Material: Key Terms.

Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue.

Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics—such as people, institutions, events, and so forth—and the criteria and decision-making factors you have used to revise them.

Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace. Use a specific personal example.

Explain why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are integrated into an organization to achieve its direction and goals. What effect does the application of these ethics have on individuals, organizations, and society?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Different stages in life display various types of ethics. As we advance in age, so do our ethics. These norms are in our daily lives. Ethics is also applied in every agent of socialization like in school, at home, during sports, at work and many other places. Ethics enables to restore order and ensure that all the members of the socializing agent are comfortable, and daily errands run smoothly. Ethics has three developmental stages, as seen in Aristotle, & Tredennick,(2004):
1.)This phase is where one joins a social group is it work or school. The individual is determined to follow all the regulations laid down by the authority in that area so as to avoid trouble and also paint a good picture to his/her colleagues. This period includes time management, respect and doing anything that they assign in a perfect manner
2.)The second stage portrays some extraordinary achievements in the individual. The things that seemed new become a routine. The enthusiasm wears off since someone is already comfortable with the area.
3.)In this last stage is when the person gets too comfortable with the area. One begins to feel that the ethics laid down by the authority belong to others and not them. That is one of the stages that lead to vulnerability of the person, since one's interest becomes void in the former duties they had.
Maintain ethics takes self-discipline. One has to be strict on how they carry themselves in their day to day lives. With ethics, there will be minimum cases of conflicts. This process is due to the transparency and morals among the members of a community. For any social group to survive there must be some laid down rules and regulations to ensure that there is harmony among the members. As stated by Bstan-'dzinrgya-mtsho, (1999).
My ethical system has become shaped since childhood and has been a continuous process up to date. These ethics that I have acquired control me in my day to day activities. Some ethics just come as natural as breathing because they have been in practice since childhood.
My primary principles are Time management, honesty, hard work, teamwork respecting all people irrespective of age and obedience. There are several sources that helped me shape my ethics. They include:
During childhood, my parents told me what to do and what not to. My parents mainly taught me on obeying my elders and authority.
In school, there was a set of rules and regulations that were followed by every student. These rules were followed or else one would face punishment. I had to arrive in time, so I learned how to manage my time. Teachers gave a lot of assignments that instilled hard work in me. I also learned how to respect and obey authority since there were student leaders and t...
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