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1 pages/≈550 words
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The Importance of Learning, Focusing on Growth, and Persistence

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video of the event on http://elab(dot)nyc/entrepreneurship-lab/events/past-events/Panel-Discussion-2018/photos.

Submit a one-page paper where you identify a key takeaway from each of the panelists in class next week and attach documentation of your conflicting course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PANEL- Pace Entrepreneurship Lab
Alexa McKenna a consultant at Deloitte highlighted the importance of learning as having the ability to learn influences how individuals seek opportunities (PACE University, 2018). The lack of knowledge should not be a hindrance to growth if people are willing to learn and not afraid to try out new ventures. Furthermore, learning presentation and selling skills is important to pitch ideas, seek venture capital financing and even communicate to stakeholders. Entrepreneurs seek opportunities to grow, and when exposed to such opportunities they can useful skills in the future, even when making little money in the present. The ability to learn and persevere is essential qualities to deal with problems likely to arise where there is continued growth and they develop more skills over time. Successful entrepreneurs can learn from everyone every day, and since they are willing to listen and learn, they take advantage of opportunities and are better prepared to deal with issues as they arise.
To Jenny Watzka, a business strategist who works from anywhere as a digital nomad highlighted that leaving the comfort zone and focusing on growth are crucial to learning and managing the business (PACE, 2018). When entrepreneurs stay in a comfort zone they fail to take advantage of opportunities, because of a false sense of security and they fail to perform to the best of their abilities. Entrepreneurs face uncertain situations in various aspects i...
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