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Organizational Justice

Essay Instructions:
Assignment. Please write a 5 page article on:- \"What is Academic Research in Business Administration and How has the Research in (your chosen research field-Organizational justice Evolved?\" Expectation. Please integrate what you learned from the assigned articles-Lee, Allen S. & Hubona, Geoffery S. (2009). A scientific basis for rigor in information systems research, MIS Quarterly, 33(2), 237-262. Cascio wf, Aguisnis H. (2008). Research in industrial and organizational psychology from 1963 to 2007: Changes, choices, and trends, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(5), 1062-1081. Banker R. D. , & Kauffman R. J. (2004). The evolution of research on information systems: A Fiftieth-year survey of the literature in management science, Management Science, 50(3), 281-298. And articles you have found yourself. Please discuss your understanding of what academic research is in business administration, and an overview of the reseach development in your chosen field. (Note: Please use appropriate APA style of referring in your writing).Note: For the assigned articles you can use PROQUEST and EBSCOWeb for your search. I will do the cover page myself. Leave it blank in the same format. Use Word 2003 format.
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(09, October, 2010)
Organizational Justice
Academic Research in Business administration is the study that is meant to examine facts on business management related topics such as human resources, accounting and finance, marketing, and information technology among others, but only for scholar purpose.
Academic research in business administration has been in existence for sometime and though it has been providing the answers as required there is a need to improve on it’s of quality, (Phelps, 1947).
This means that it should be more primary and provide for the unusual needs that business research requires. The growth that was noticed after the second world war when business research firms began to bloom as well as an increase in academic journals and books in business related fields such as accounting, personnel marketing, insurance etc.
The rapid increase in these journals and books shows the change in interest in research in business administration. Research in management evolved from research done by philosophers, to mathematical scientists and social and behavioral scientists (Pellissier, 2007). The research in business administration has been beneficial to all areas of business management as the results of the research provider answers to various issues which assist in business management. One of the most researched management area in business in human resources. Organizational justice is one of the topics which have been deeply researched.
The results have been applied in improving the human resources practices in originations. A research will in most cases start with an idea. Someone will research on this idea and gather data. It is from this data that a theory will be formed. This is how research in business has evolved. The theory may be challenged by other experts on the subject at hard. They will conduct their own research and attack the original theory, dismiss it or confirm it. The confirmation may come with the more developments to explain some issues that the original research may not have considered.
This study will analyze the history of organizational justice, analyzing several results of studies by the main researchers and studies on the theories in organizational justice. The results will show that some theories have had tremendous support and have become popular while others have been criticized, while others have led to development of other theories and ideas. The research on organizational justice is still young and is still continuing. Further research will be required in determining how fairness fits in the justice theories as fairness cannot be dismissed within the workplace. The end results are the application of organizational justice in the workplace to analyze and address human resources related problems.
Organizational justice is the study of people’s perception of fairness in organizations.
If they belief that they are being treated fairly, then employees become more committed.
The history of research in organizational justice started can be said to have started in 1965 with Adams when he introduced the inequity theory in distributive justice (Colquitt, et.al. 2001). According to Adams a person contribution to the organization would be determined by how one felt about how much the compensation that was received.
If the employee felt that it was inadequate, the employee contributed less to the organization. This theory was developed further by Folger and studied further by Deusch in 1975, Leventhal in 1976, among others. This theory led to an opening for research in justice in the workplace. This research on injustices in the workplace led to recognition of other dimensions in organizational justice. One of these dimensions is the procedural justice by Thibault and Walker in 1975 and Leventhal in 1980, among others.
There has been a high research interest in organizational justice such that it is the most researched topic in industrial organizational, psychology and in human resources management. There have been other researchers on this theory who have analyzed the cross-cultural differences and their effect on the outcomes. The equity theory faced some criticism from Leventhal, though he did not have data to support his view on equity theory.
According to Cropanzano (2001), the term only came into use in 1987 as was introduced by Greenberg in his article, Academy of Management Review Paper. The study of justice theory gained momentum in the 1970s where organizational practices in the workplace were studied through the new fou...
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