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Organizational Behavior, Schools of Thought, and Employers' Impression

Essay Instructions:

From the textbook Greenburg, J. (2011). Behavior in Organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Hall. answer the following question
1. How you think the study of organizational behavior can assist you in achieving your professional goals.
2. Identify and discuss three important schools of thought that influenced the early development of organizational behavior.
3. Describe ways we can manage the impressions that employers have on us

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Week 1
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Week 1
How you think the study of organizational behavior can assist you in achieving your professional goals.
First of all, studying organizational behavior is crucial because it will help me learn how to work together with other employees towards the attainment of organizational goals. In the pursuit of my professional goals, I will have to learn how to work with other employees and having a good understanding of organizational behavior will help me gel with my colleagues.
Secondly, leadership requires people who lead from the front. Studying organizational behavior will also help in the understanding of who a leader is and what is expected of me as a leader. As a leader, one must demonstrate a higher understanding of the organizational structure, and this is a testament to their leadership skills.
Studying organizational behavior will also help one understand their ethical views, values, behaviors, performance, and attitudes. These are essential as one is scaling the ladder of their profession.
Identify and discuss three important schools of ...
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