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Organizational Behavior Final Marketing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Students may choose any topic discussed during the semester for their final paper. This assignment must be an original work, developed from your own ideas and supported from identified sources. It is required to identify any source information, either from the your research or assigned course materials, using the APA format. Students should only use scholarly articles for their final paper. Your completed work should meet the following requirements:
A minimum of 5 pages and maximum 10 including the reference page
12-point Times New Roman Font, or similar
double-spaced with 1" margins
APA reference page
22 19:50 Inclusive leader topic teacher comment:
"different backgrounds." The term will need to be defined at the outset. Intriguing.
"all these dynamism?"
Inclusive leader introduction teacher comment:
". . .at all levels. . ." Drop "In the 21st century. . ." You could easily enough collapse the two sentences. . ."face new challenges. . .and globalized market. . . It may strengthen your focus. Since you haven't established the need for inclusive leadership, the sentence, "As such. . ."
I see your plan; it is excellent. Only your text needs a bit of trimming with the sole goal of sharpening your focus. Should be interesting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Behavior Final Paper
Organizational Behavior Final Paper
Leadership plays a critical role in an organization because leaders determine the success of any organization. The organization’s success lies with the leaders. Leadership influence employee behavior, organization leaders, instills a culture through their behavior (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). Any organization has the potential to excel, but only a few achieve excellence depending on the leadership style. Having the right leaders in the right position is the most critical factor for the organization's success (Canwell, Dongrie, Neveras, & Stockton, 2014).
Many organizations are faced with new challenges, especially within the global market. Leadership is becoming more challenging due to the diverse workforce. There is the need for an inclusive leadership; an inclusive leadership is a leadership style that acknowledges everyone's contribution. Inclusion requires leaders to act and think in a dynamic way across all cultures and sectors. Inclusion entails applying a wide range of solutions (Wuffli, 2015).
Inclusive Leadership is about focusing on both virtue and ethics by reaching out to all levels of the organization. Valuing people's contributions is a key aspect of an inclusive leadership (Wuffli, 2015). Inclusion develops a solid organizational culture that can consistently produce remarkable results benefiting all the stakeholders. An inclusive leader is someone that can manage people from a different culture to help the organization achieve its goals (Wuffli, 2015).
Canwell, Dongrie, Neveras, & Stockton, (2014), believes that inclusive leadership is a critical factor in the 21st century because it can help the organization overcome some of the global challenges in the business environment. This essay examines the various aspects that are essential features of inclusive leadership; the paper will elaborate the meaning of inclusive leadership using an example of Apple Company and expound on the qualities that an inclusive leader should possess. The paper aims at justifying why inclusive leadership is important within the global market for the success of an organization.
The role of leaders
Leaders are the key drivers of an organization; a good leader needs to be equipped with specific sets of skills. A good leader needs to embrace diversification of idea, creativity, and innovation to generate better performance (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). Leadership in the current century has created demand for leaders to go beyond diversity to incorporate inclusion. Diversity alone cannot generate success; inclusion drives diversity because it influences people and taps the wealth of knowledge in the open, trusting and conducive work environment (Owen, 2012).
Inclusion helps an organization capture a competitive advantage of the changes in both workplaces and marketplaces. An organization that practice inclusiveness attracts diverse talent that can tap the market potential (Ayman & Korabik, 2010). Diverse talent results to greater creativity propelling innovation that helps organization distance themselves from their competitors. Inclusion and diversity are an essential element for a healthy workforce that needs to be embraced by the top leaders to have a tripling effect on employees (Ayman & Korabik, 2010).
Apple company inclusive leadership and its achievement
Apple Company’s solid foundation makes it the most influential technology company due to its unique leadership culture built by its founder Steve Jobs. Apple founders included Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Stephen Wozniak, who in 1976 pulled together their resources to build Apple (Apple, 2011). Apple Company is known for its innovative hardware and software products. Over the years, the company has grown producing a diverse line of electronic products (Apple, 2011).
Apple Company is engaged in manufacturing, and marketing media devices, they produce mobile communication devices , personal computers and portal digital music players. The company also sells software services and offers networking solution (Apple, 2011). Apple is the world second largest information technology company. Its digital content and application like iTunes store, MacApp Store, television app store and Apple music are some of its unique products (Apple, 2011).
Most products are sold through retail stores, online stores, and direct sales. Apple targets small, mid-size business, enterprises, and government as its customer. The company operates in various regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa (Apple, 2011). Apple revolutionized the Smartphone sector with its centric designs; the iPhone is one of the innovative products that have generated half of the company's revenue, as the demand for the product is more than the supply (Apple, 2011).
Apple is the biggest employer in the US with 400,000 thousand people being engaged directly or indirectly in all the 50 states. Apple's outstanding feature is its organizational leadership culture that specifically promotes innovation and risk taking. Employees are encouraged to take the risk of coming up with new products to improve its operation. The company has developed sporadically over the few years because of its leadership (Apple Inc, 2010).
Apple leadership is inclusive, Steve Jobs is known to be a leader who had a passion for creativity and motivation. Steve motivated and influenced Apple employees to realize their potential (Apple Inc, 2010). The rise of Apple is associated with the CEO's amazing energy and his compelling personality. Through his leadership, Steve used his position to revolutionize the company, changing the old ways of operating (Apple Inc, 2010).
He inspired employees to come out with the unconventional product by thinking differently. Employees perceive the company as a club than a family because the task accomplishment is important than the process or building relationships. Both Steve Jobs and Tom Cook are successful leaders possessing skills that influence employees delivering breakthrough products (Apple Inc, 2010).
Apple leadership is about simplicity, functionality, inclusive and cost efficiency. The organization operates with flat structures where employees ...
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