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OL 211 Milestone Three: Appraising employee performance

Essay Instructions:

Overview: This milestone focuses on the topics of this week’s lessons: managing and appraising employee performance. Using the material on performance management and appraisals provided in this week’s lesson and the case, in a short paper you should:  Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management process and explain how to ensure the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan.  Differentiate between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, providing an example where each would be most applicable.  Identify best suited appraisal for the Maersk Customer Service – CARE Business Partner.  Identify and describe a variety of performance rating scales that can be used in organizations including graphical scales, letter scales, and numeric scales. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2–3 pages in length and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. Be sure to list your references at the end of your paper

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Milestone Three Appraising Employee Performance
Course: OL 211
HRM’s role in the performance management process
The HR plays a crucial role in performance management through connecting various HR processes including training, talent management, compensation, and benefits. At times, managers conduct the appraisal, but when they do not have the time to assess all the employees, they rely on performance records (Jason, 2016 8 2 c). The HRM should not only focus on performance appraisal, but also plan for outcomes of the evaluation process. Since performance management is an ongoing process, there is a need to focus on talent management and succession planning to ensure there are no interruptions in operations. The HRM, in turn, makes sure that the process management is clear and carried out consistently, such that it is possible to compare the results of outputs. Additionally, HR is essential in collecting data that is useful in performance management, where goals are set and monitored to determine the adequacy of training and skills acquisition. Aligning the performance process with the organization’s strategic objectives makes it easier to clarify the performance expectations, even as the management identifies the strategic initiatives (Evans & Lindsay, 2012).
2] Trait, behavioral and results-based performance appraisal system
Trait appraisal is a subjective appraisal approach focusing on characteristics such as communication skills, leadership skills, loyalty, work ethic and decisiveness that are related to performance. Trait appraisal is applicable when employers seek to create a positive working environment, which is cohesive. Organizations may choose recruits based on their personality and reliability in the workplace, and the traits approach is applicable to customer service where employers need to be friendly. Subjective measures undermine the performance evaluation system and should be used with caution (Jason, 2016 8 2d).
Unlike the traits approach that focuses on characteristics, the behavioral appraisal looks at the actions and what people do in the workplace. Since this approach emphasizes observable behaviors it is a better appraisal method compared to traits performance evaluation. For instance, the way employees communicate orally and in written form influences the decision of raters since there are observable behaviors, which the employees display on a regular basis. Nonetheless, the approach is effective when the behaviors are associated with the performance
Results-based performance appraisal systems focus on future results and performance targets, where goals are set and a rating scale is used to facilitate eva...
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