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Obstacles to Napping Results in the Implementation of Night-Shift Naps

Essay Instructions:

In this worksheet activity, analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the corresponding Reference Article from the provided list. Explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.

To complete this assignment, review the following documents:

Module Six Worksheet

Module Six Worksheet Guidelines And Rubric

Module Six Worksheet 

In this worksheet activity, you will need to analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the reference article for your selected study. This reference article will be a similar study in some way to the one you chose for your Primary Article in the Final Project Article List. You will also need explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research. 

To complete this assignment, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the article you selected for the final project.
  2. Review the reference article for your selected final project article.
  3. Download and complete this Module Six Worksheet document. Compare your final project article to the reference article that you analyzed in the Module Four worksheet activity. Address the following topics through the worksheet questions below:
  • Purpose, research question, and hypothesis
  • Research methods
  • Key findings
  • Major conclusions
  1. Upload and submit your completed worksheet assignment.


Final Project Article

Similar Study Article

Full APA Citation (Also include the article number of your final project article.)










Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis

Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.


What is the purpose of the study?













Research Question(s)

What is/are the research question(s)?














What is/are the hypothesis(es) of the study?













Explanatory Variable(s)

What is/are the explanatory variable(s)?













Response Variable(s)

What is/are the response variable(s)?













Research Methods

Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.

Observational or Experimental

Was this study observational or experimental?














What population are the researchers interested in?














What is the sample?













Sample Selection

How did the researchers select their sample?













Data Collection Methods

How did the researchers collect their data?













Statistical Analysis

What statistical analysis did the researchers use?











Key Findings

Compare the key findings for each article using complete sentences in your own words.

Major Results/Conclusions

What was/were the result(s) of the research question(s)?












Respond to the following questions in 2- to 3-sentence short paragraphs. Use complete sentences and your own words.

How were the results similar or different between the two articles?




Based on the findings of the  two studies you have looked at, do you think there is a relationship between the explanatory and response variables? What statistical results are you using to support your decision?





How does this study further our knowledge of the topic you are reporting on?





Based on this information, what new questions arise? What other studies need to be done in order to determine if there really is or is not a relationship between the variables of interest?






Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module Six Worksheet

Final Project Article

Similar Study Article

Full APA Citation (Also include the article number of your final project article.)

Brown, J. G., Sagherian, K., Zhu, S., Wieroniey, M., Blair, L., Warren, J., ... & Szeles, R. (2016). Napping on the night shift: a two-hospital implementation project. The American journal of nursing, 116(5), 26.

Edwards, M. P., McMillan, D. E., & Fallis, W. M. (2013). Napping during breaks on night shift: critical care nurse managers' perceptions. Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.), 24(4), 30-35.

Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis
Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.

What is the purpose of the study?

The study intended to find out the obstacles to a fruitful implementation of napping in hospitals for nurses working on night shifts and assess the nap experience for the nurses who took naps.

The study aimed at assessing the perception of nurse managers of critical care units and evaluate their experiences with napping practices of the nurses working on night shifts in their units. It also intended to record the nurse managers' perception of the barriers and benefits of napping or not napping in the nurses' health and safety and patient care.

Research Question(s)
What is/are the research question(s)?

* Does curbing the obstacles to napping result in a fruitful implementation of night-shift naps?
* What are some of the experiences of night shift nurses who take naps?

* What are critical care unit managers' perceptions of the benefits and complexities of napping on night shift breaks by nurses
* What are the managers' perceptions of their administrators' and colleagues' views of napping

What is/are the hypothesis(es) of the study?

* Curbing the barriers to napping results in a successful implementation of night-shift naps
* Napping minimizes nurses' workplace sleepiness and drowsy driving on the way home.

* Managers offer leadership that promote nurse and patient safety through identifying the benefits and complexities of napping on night shift breaks
* Lack of support from managers and hospital administrators for restorative napping on night shift breaks poses a challenge in developing infrastructure and evidence-based policy for restorative napping practices

Explanatory Variable(s)
What is/are the explanatory variable(s)?

Barriers to napping are the explanatory variable

The explanatory variables were managers' perceptions of napping and their perceptions of administrators' and colleagues' views of napping

Response Variable(s)
What is/are the response variable(s)?

Implementation of night-shift naps is the response variable

The response variable was napping on night shift breaks

Research Methods
Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.

Observational or Experimental
Was this study observational or experimental?

The study was observational because the nurses' napping behaviors were observed and recorded over the research period. The study was not controlled, and the data recorded about napping were based on nurses' voluntary napping.

The research was observational. The researchers collected information from nurse managers, recording their experiences with the nurses' napping practices in their units and their perception. Therefore, the nurse managers' observations and perceptions informed the study findings.

What population are the researchers interested in?

The researchers collected the data from nurse managers and the nurses working night shifts in critical care units (ICUs) in two University hospitals.

The researchers are interested in nurse unit managers. It aims at obtaining information about the napping practices of the nurses they lead.

What is the sample?

The research used 153 participants.

The study used a sample of 47. All were nurse managers of critical care units and members of the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN)

Sample Selection
How did the researchers sele...
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