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Non-Management Perspective: A Research and Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

Option #2: Research and Reflection Paper – Non-Management Perspective

Your Portfolio Project synthesizes information gathered from an interview you will conduct with an individual of your choosing who reports/has reported directly to, or works/has worked closely with, a manager; the knowledge you’ve gained in this course; and your experience to create a research and reflection paper.

Be sure to thoroughly read the Portfolio Project description below before beginning to work on the project.

Portfolio Milestone Deliverables

The following deliverables are due before Sunday midnight of Weeks 2 and 4 respectively:

Week 2: Interview Subject and Summary of Theories (20 points of the Portfolio Project)

Select which of the two Portfolio Project options you will complete and submit. Before midnight on Sunday, submit the name of the person who will be your interview subject, along with a summary of the theories that you plan to cover. These theories can change as you progress through your project, so the information you provide for this Week 2 deliverable is not set in stone. Instead, this assignment provides an opportunity to begin thinking about your Portfolio Project and record your preliminary ideas. Your submission should be 200-300 words in length.

Week 5: Portfolio Project Outline (20 points of the Portfolio Project)

Submit an outline of your Portfolio Project. Your outline should include bullet points, in the form of sentences or phrases describing each major argument you want to make, organized as the final project will be organized. This should by no means be a complete or final document, but should be sufficiently advanced to serve as a guide for a working draft of your project with some careful consideration and a few drafts to ensure that your writing is clear, thoughtful, and precise.


Choose someone to interview with whom you are familiar—ideally, someone whom you know well. The individual should report to in the present, or have reported to in the past, one or more managers. Ask her or him for some time—perhaps you can sit down for coffee—during which you can describe your course learning objectives and discuss what you have so far taken away from the class (in brief). Ask your interviewee what insights she or he has to offer to you about what makes a good manager.

The goal of the interview is to gain insight into what makes a good manager from the perspective of the employee. Some topics to touch on in the interview could include the following:

Does your interviewee have a favorite manager that he or she has worked with? Ask for an explanation of why this manager is a favorite.

What does your interviewee believe makes a strong manager?

Does your interviewee aspire to be a manager someday?

What does your interviewee believe it means to be an effective leader (as opposed to the popular view of what a successful leader is and/or does)?

What roles do managerial goals, objectives, decision-making, and communication play in the job on a regular basis?

How does the interviewee handle changes at his/her organization and what specific challenges have she or he encountered with managers in the past?

Does your interviewee have experience with internships, volunteering, and professional certifications? Have they found any, or all, to be important to career development, or securing a position as a manager?

What advice does you interviewee offer to someone who is looking to become a manager?

At the close of the interview, be sure to thank your interviewee for her or his time and assistance!

Note: Any documentation resulting from personal interviews by CSU-Global students are for the sole purposes of fulfilling a course assignment and will not be used as part of a larger study, published, or distributed outside of the course environment.

Research and Reflection Paper

In the next phase, ruminate on what you learned in your interview—especially anything that helped you to gain a deeper insight into the topics we’ve studied in the course—and write a research and reflection paper in which you draw upon our shared learning, your individual learning, and the additional discernment you’ve gained from the interview to demonstrate a more in-depth understanding of the foundational principles of management. In your paper, go beyond a mere recitation of memorized facts or regurgitation of information; strive to synthesize the most important topics of management (i.e., leadership, personality, motivation, decision-making, communication, and the importance of good management to yourself and to society) into a hybrid research and reflection paper.

Your paper should integrate responses to each of the following questions in a well-organized and coherent paper:

What leadership precepts did your interviewee impart to you (or what can you glean on the topic as a result of your interview), and how do those dovetail with one or more of the modern theories of leadership?

How do the personalities of workers, colleagues, managers, and subordinates impact performance in and experience of the workplace? How do they interact with one or more leadership models to create the most effective work environment?

In light of your interview, the leadership model(s) you’ve discussed, and your own personality, what one or two tenets of motivation theory have you taken away from the course?

How do your understandings of effective motivation theories impact your conceptions of the best practices when it comes to making decisions and communicating at work?

Based on your interview and on learning from this course, what does it take to be an effective employee, a successful manager, and an exemplary citizen of society?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

8-10 pages in length

Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

At least three scholarly sources, at least one of which is not provided in, or linked from, the course, to support your assertions and strengthen your arguments. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources!

Refer to the Portfolio Project rubric on the Course Information page for grading criteria. Please proofread your paper to ensure the sentences, paragraphs, and ideas flow well and are logical, concise, and grammatically error-free.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Non-Management Perspective
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name/Number
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Non-Management Perspective
In his book titled The Power of Leadership, John Maxwell asserts that leaders should be close enough to associate with employees, but experienced enough to motivate them (Maxwell, 2001). All individuals have their own opinions and ideas of what management should look like. A management style that is deemed effective by one employee might be ineffective for another. To better understand and gain a wider perspective than just mine, I interviewed an individual who will be extensively referenced in this paper. The individual I interviewed is my friend Lisa, who currently works closely with and reports directly to a manager. In her previous work experiences, Lisa has held various titles and positions in management, which is why her perspective is highly valued in this interview. From the perspective of a non-managerial employee, what makes a great leader is a combination of various factors, including the impact of modern theories of leadership, understanding employee motivation, handling different personalities, and using all these to communicate more effectively and make informed decisions.
Modern Theory of Leadership
Developed in 1971 and revised in 1996, Robert House’s path-goal theory is a model that distinguishes a leader’s style or behavior that works best for the work environment and employees in order to achieve a goal (House & Mitchell, 1975). The path-goal model has an influential and integral role in mitigating pitfalls, boosting performance, and maximizing strengths. The path-goal theory is established on a leader’s ability to motivate employees to achieve their goals by providing support and direction in order to align their objectives and goals with the organizational objectives and goals (Robbins et al., 2015). The path-goal model is a carefully considered and planned model, where one of the primary purposes is to stay within the path laid out by a leader because straying from the intended path can cause drawbacks, rework, delays, and loss of money and time. The path-goal theory identifies directive, oriented, supportive, and participative leader behavior rooted in four styles, all of which can be altered to suit any situation that may arise (House, 1996).
In the interview with Lisa, she mentioned that “An effective leader develops practices and attitudes that can bring extraordinary achievements. An effective leader can successfully inspire others to realize their potential, promote the vision of the organization, and set employee goals,” (Personal Communication, September 10, 2018). In the workplace, goals are important for employees to have because having short and clear goals provides a sense of accountability, direction, and meaning for all employees working within an organization. When I asked Lisa to describe her favorite manager, she stated that she chose that particular individual because “She always challenged me and encouraged me to advance in my career” (Personal Communication, September 10, 2018). Goal and vision setting is not only beneficial from an employee’s perspective, but the goal and vision setting are also advantageous to any organization because when employees are challenged to grow, they become “more useful and more skilled” (Greenhaus et al., 1995). This modern theory of leadership applies to some jobs, but, for leaders, what is important is to continually interact with their team members and show their commitment to team furtherance.
Workplace Personalities
From the perspective of a non-managerial employee, the optimal theory that can best explain the impact that a work environment consisting of varied personalities can have on constructing the most efficient environment possible is the charismatic leadership theory. This impact will affect employee interactions, work environment, and job performance. It is vital to be familiar with different personalities because different personalities affect the way individuals interact and solve problems (Robbins et al., 2015). In workplaces, it is critical to understand the personalities of fellow associates because doing so places you in a position where you can effectively interact with colleagues, making your organization more resourceful and efficient.
Lisa is an extrovert, and I am an introvert. Even though she and I share some similarities in our personality traits such as the judging and sensing aspects, how we individually interact within the workplace is vastly different. Introverts tend to be quiet and obtain energy from dealing with their internal environment. Extroverts, on the other hand, enjoy the company of other individuals as they are excellent communicators and derive their energy from active involvements in external environments. An extrovert is a talkative employee who will generally concentrate on people issues whereas an introvert is a quiet employee who displays seriousness and brings a sense of planning to the work environment (Zarafshani, 2011).
In the interview, Lisa mentioned that “A successful manager is one who continually encourages and motivates their team members to advance in their profession” (Personal Communication, September 10, 2018). From Lisa’s non-management perspective, bits of her response are mirrored in the charismatic leadership style. The main component of being a charismatic leader is concentrating less on oneself and focusing more on how other associates feel. Essentially, charismatic leaders thrive at communicating. They are verbally eloquent and can effortlessly communicate with employees. Charismatic leaders can successfully articulate a captivating or compelling vision and can easily arouse strong emotions in employees (Riggio, 2012). Charismatic leaders are an asset in the work environment; thus, they are needed to create a more productive and effective environment. The death knell of an organization can be employees’ poor job performance. Charismatic leadership has been linked to satisfaction and high performance (Michaelis, 2010). Employees under charismatic leaders tend to be high performers, are more satisfied in their jobs, and are more engaged in their daily tasks which ultimately results in a very productive work environment.
Motivation Theories
In light of what I have learned from my interview with Lisa, and from my non-managerial perspective, the tenets I will carry with me from this course are found in two theories: the goal-setting theory and the equity theory. In work environments, the presence of motivated employees translates to a more productive staff that will quicken the process of achieving objectives and goals. These two motivational theories cannot be applied or used for all employees working within an organization. What Lisa finds motivating may be the opposite for another associate because, in working environments, employees come from varied cultures and backgrounds that can impact how an individual reacts to various tenets of motivational theories. Managers must be aware of this and apply the most relevant theory that will guarantee employee furtherance.
Goal-Setting Theory
As described by Neutrino, the goal-setting theory refers to the outcomes of goal setting on subsequent performance (2012). In 1968, Edwin Locke realized that people who set tough goals perform better compared to those wh...
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