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Netflix: A Case Study

Essay Instructions:

This case study will require you to produce 2 different SWOT analyses, in addition to analyzing the key questions posed below. Your written response to these questions should be approximately one to two pages long, 12pt font, double spaced. In addition, you can either place each SWOT analysis on its own page, or present both on a single page. Please make sure to title each SWOT analysis appropriately. In total, your final submission will likely contain 3-4 pages, and must be submitted in a .docx format.

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Case Study1-MGM
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Case Study1-MGM
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis: Strengths
1 Convenience
Most smart devices can download the Netflix application, making content available to many users at any time and in most places.
2 Original Content
Netflix has unique programs, such as House of Cards or Arrested Development, which are not available elsewhere.
3 Brand Recognition
The name Netflix is popular and identical to streaming television and movies. Because of its increased popularity, some fanatics regard it as “Netflix and chill” being coined.
SWOT Analysis: Weaknesses
1 Cannot Raise Prices
Netflix attempted to separate streaming and DVD rental segments from its business in September 2011 and make customers pay a separate fee for both. Unfortunately, customers reacted to the change by posting thousands of negative comments and threatened to leave the service. The backlash made Netflix revert to its former model.
2 Decline in DVD and Blu-Ray Subscriptions
Most TV and cable networks allow customers to rent and stream television and movies directly from the provider, eliminating the need to rent physical DVD and Blu-ray discs.
SWOT Analysis: Opportunities
1 International Growth
Netflix airs its program only in English and limits its payment methods to international credit cards. The limitation prevents the company from international exposure. Netflix can close this gap by expanding to more languages and diversifying its payment options.
2 Original Content
Netflix offers original content that users cannot find elsewhere. Netflix can focus on developing this segment to meet the increasing demand for authentic and easily accessible content.
SWOT Analysis: Threats
1 Competitors
Other companies and various cable networks stream television shows, movies and sometimes air their original content. Netflix’s direct competitors include companies such as Hulu, HBO, and Amazon.
2 Reliance on Internet Connectivity
Netflix relies on internet connectivity to provide customers with the best service of its products. Not all parts of the world have access to the internet, limiting Netflix from accessing the global market.
Section Two
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis: Strengths
1 Convenience
The company offers users an all-time coverage by ensuring the products are available online each time they log in.
2 Original Content
Netflix has unique prog...
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