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Negotiation Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

you must actually go out and conduct a live negotiation. The substance of this negotiation may be anything of value —a major purchase, something related to a job or employment search, relations with peers or coworkers, et c. The following rules apply for the live negotiation and be sure to check with your instructor if there is any doubt in your mind at all about whether the negotiation you have chosen fits the criteria You must negotiate for something nontrivial (i.e., you should care how the negotiation turns out). The opponent(s) may not be another student in this class or the instructor. The opponent(s) must not be aware either before or during the negotiation that it will be used to satisfy course requirements. If at all possible, you should try to interview your opponent and/or observers about the negotiation after it is over. Students must write a final paper on the live negotiation. The paper must be a maximum of 5 pages, double spaced (typed) pages. Your paper should describe your reactions, perceptions, impressions, and significant insights gained from participation in (and reflection on) the negotiation. You may talk about yourself or the behavior of other people. You are encouraged to address such points as the following What was your goal? What happened in the negotiation (a brief overview of key events)?  What did you learn about yourself from the experience?  What did you learn about the behavior of others?  How does this experience compare to others that you have had in similar or comparable circumstances?  What did you learn about bargaining or conflict from this situation?  How do the concepts in the lectures and readings enrich your understanding of the process of this negotiation and its outcome?  What would you do the same and what would you do differently in the future, or how would you like to behave in order to perform more effectively in such situations? Writing the paper should encourage your thoughtful analysis and understanding of the negotiation. It should include ideas and concepts from the readings and lecture material. Although there are many creative formats for papers, a good paper usually includes the following elements:  An introduction;  A statement of the goal and the planning and preparation that took place;  An objective (brief) description of the actual events that occurred;  An analysis of those events;  A discussion of what could or should have been done differently, and why;  Integration of readings, theory, and concepts as appropriate;  A statement of "lessons learned" for the future;  A summary self-evaluation of your own negotiation style, strengths, and weaknesses as they relate to the negotiation you conducted. Your assignment must:  Be a maximum of five (5) pages.  Be typed, double-spaced,using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In the world of today, businesses are the major oils that run the wheels of the economies of different states. This is evident as we interact with others in small business and also we have witnessed different states coming together to form trade blocks and common markets in which they trade in. Therefore negotiation comes in, as a major factor for these businesses to take place in an efficient manner. Via negotiations, the different parties involved are able to come into mutual agreements; hence business will be carried out as usual. In addition, via these negotiations one can be able to determine on the value of the product. This is because; expensive kind of goods will tend to have higher prices in comparison to low quality goods.
In detail, I can say that in any negotiations, the interests of the parties involved will always be different. This statement is true because, if the interest of the parties would be the same, then there would be no negotiation that would take place. Negotiators can also be classified in three categories according to how they carry out their negotiations. They include the soft, hard and the principled. Recently when I went to the supermarket to buy a high definition television I had to negotiate on the price of the television. It was such a nice experience with the supermarket attendant which took some time before we came to an agreement. I was very keen on him as I looked on how he was reacting and the impressions that resulted from the negotiation. In this paper I am going to focus more on negotiation skills and the best way in which a negotiation can be gainful.
What was your goal? What happened in the negotiation (a brief overview of key events)In any bargaining or negotiation, the main goal is to come to an agreement with the other party in order to buy the product or strike the deal. In the negotiation between me and the attendant, my goal was to convince him to accept my price on the good. I was determined to acquire the product and hence I could do all can in order to come to an agreement with him on the price of the good (Mannering, 2011). During the negotiation, I noted that various things happening, first I noted that the attendant was friendly when I approached him to find more about the product. He asked me my name while giving me a hand shake and there was also eye contact between us when he was explaining to me about the good. I also noted that there were no body movements as the negotiation was taking place. The attendant also told me some jokes that were in relation to the negotiation. There were also some positive emotions from the other party as he was determined to convince me that the product is the best and that I should agree to buy it.
What did you learn about yourself from the experience?
I learnt some traits from the experience. I noted that I had good listening skills. I gave the attendant a chance to explain to me about the good without interrupting him. I learnt that in a negotiation it is advisable to give one a party a chance to express and explain itself fully without interrupting him/her. This was good of me because we were able to listen to each other keenly and in turn this made us come to an agreement easily.
I also learnt that I am so persistent in negotiation; I was determined to convince the person to accept my price. I maintained on my price and I had hope that the attendant would accept that price for the good. I also learnt that I am patient enough since it took us some time to come to an agreement with about the final price of the product (Mannering, 2011).
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