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National Culture and an Individual’s Creativity and Innovation

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Information – What you need to do
You are required to choose 1 of the following topics
ESSAY TOPIC 1 (Chose either (a) or (b)
1. Within the theoretical framework explaining that creativity and innovation are a product of person-environment interactions (Kwan et al., 2018, p. 167), some empirical studies arguably concluded that certain Hofstede (2011)’s dimensions of national culture influence an individual’s creativity and innovation.
(a) Using two big names in the world of innovation, Jack Ma and Jeff Beszos as reference to the Eastern and Western cultures, explain how dimensions of national cultures can affect a person’s creativity/innovation. OR(b) Using Aliko Dangote or any other Forbe-listed African entrepreneur as reference to national cultures in Africa, explain how the convergence of Western and Eastern cultures can shape a person’s creativity/innovation.
Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede Model in context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1), 2307–0919. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol2/iss1/8Kwan, L. Y. Y., Leung, A. K. -y., & Liou, S. (2018). Culture, creativity, and innovation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 165–170. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022117753306
Define the concept of crowd Sourcing. Choose and define one or more crowd sourcing models and apply them to a business case study of your choice - analyse the successes and failures of its incorporation. Advise on future crowdsourcing method opportunities for your chosen case study and justify why these methods should be incorporated. 

Additional Optional Essay Choice for Business and Finance (BAF) Students:             
2. Crowd funding platforms are an effective alternative to banks for raising money. Using a case study of your choice, analyse to what extent this statement is accurate.
Assessment Information – What you need to do

The above essay titles are designed to be broad in scope. Therefore, your answer should be narrowed down to an aim that should be clarified in your introduction.
Define concepts and provide sources for them before applying them• Critique theories by comparing and contrasting them• Enrich your synthesis with illustrations to underpin theories and your arguments
A maximum of three Appendices is permitted, but not required
Any diagrams, Models Tables and Graphs should be placed in the appendix

Provide a front sheet with your p number, title of Essay, tutor name, and a word count
There should be a minimum of 15 different, academically credible references in your text
The word count is 1500 words, 10% +/- is acceptable. Above or below this will impact your overall grade


INTRODUCTION (10%) Introduction shows planning, aims and sources to be used in main body of essay. 

EVIDENCE OF RESEARCH (20%) Quality of definitions and references. Demonstrate the use of diverse sources cited within the text. A reference list of a minimum of 15 credible sources. Harvard referencing seen in line with De Montfort University Harvard Business Guide. 

ANALYSIS (20%) The quality of analysis should be demonstrated. Present theoretical concepts based on the field. The essay be clearly situated within the current debates to evaluate the arguments presented within the existing literature area.

ILLUSTRATION (15%) Quality case study application - 
Q2 & Q3 Draw on business cases to illustrate how existing businesses have been able to use the concepts.
  Q1 Draw on case study countries –to illustrate the impacts of culture on creativity.
OVERALL IMPRESSIONS (20%) Fluid structure to essay, which laterally builds upon the research, through to analysis and where appropriate offers recommendations from findings. 
Creativity (15%) Independent and creative essay planning and research choices, show that the author has been devised their essay, which expands the boundaries of the taught lessons. Independent design through case examples and research choices. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creative Management and Marketing
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Creative Management and Marketing
An entrepreneur is a risk-taker who creates new and unique products and services intending to make a profit. Different entrepreneurs have different characteristics and skills (Paulus, 2020). Notably, this characteristic is based on society's perceptions of life. This paper establishes how the dimensions of national culture can impact a person's creativity and innovation. In addition, this paper shall also use relevant theoretical frameworks and the case of Jack Ma and Bezos.
Literature on Creativity
Most scholars have established that culture significantly contributes to individuals' creativity and innovation. A person's social environment can nurture their ways and means of invention (Glaveanu et al., 2020). Equally important, people from different cultures have unique creative conceptions. In addition, collectivists and individualist cultures have individual preferences toward creative processing modes and processes. For instance, usefulness is more crucial than novelty in the East, while in the West, novelty is more significant than usefulness when engaging in creative processes (Cortes et al., 2019). At the same time, different cultures assess the level of creativity in dynamic ways using culture-related materials, contents, and findings. In this case, such cultures consider these ways appropriate when the determination is based on culturally accurate measures (Paulus, 2020). Therefore, culture considerably contributes to individuals' creativity and innovation levels globally.
Scholars have investigated and distinguished various narratives relating to creativity. Foremost, a majority of the people believed that wisdom and intelligence significantly determined the level of an individual's invention. However, these scholars have asserted that creativity depends on a person's unwillingness to attach to society's rules, freedom of spirit, curiosity, intuition, aesthetic taste, and imagination. Notably, different cultures shape the way individuals perceive the nature of life. In this case, most people who adopt the society's practices are considered lay people. Darvishmotevali et al. (2020) studied individuals from different communities. This researcher identified creativity as intrinsic motivation, intelligence, independence, confidence, and imagination (Cortes et al., 2019). These findings relate to most theories of creativity psychologists have studied over time (Glaveanu et al., 2020). Therefore, the invention is highly affixed to an individual's social and cultural environment.
The Componential Theory of Creativity
The componential theory of creativity suggests that creativity produces outcomes and ideas appropriate and novel to some objectives. According to the founder of this theory, Teresa Amabile, Creativity entails three significant components: task motivation, creativity-relevant skills, and domain-relevant skills (Li et al., 2020). In domain-relevant skills, an individual should have expertise in a particular field. In creativity-relevant skills, an individual should have personality and cognitive processes favorable to the area (Darvishmotevali et al., 2020). Lastly, intrinsic motivation requires an individual to possess the inherent to participate in that particular activity out of a personal challenge, enjoyment, and interest.
Functionalist Theory
East and West Culture on Creativity
Creativity in the East
According to Shao et al. (2019), Chinese individuals believe creativity relates to high activity and energy, intelligence, imagination, and independence. According to this researcher, these conceptions relate to Western cultures. However, a sense of humor and aesthetic factors are not associated with the Chinese determination of an individual's creativity (Paulus, 2020). The distinct feature between the West and the East in this analysis is that Chinese people believe invention relates to an individual's level of contribution towards society's progress, morality, and inspiration to the community (Karwowski & Beghetto, 2019). Based on the Chinese perception of creativity, the significant difference between the Western and Eastern cultures is that the Eastern culture is from a collectivist perspective, while the West is personalized.
Creativity in the West
The Western culture includes cultural and societal beliefs based on Australia, America, and Europe. Western culture generally characterizes creativity as a transformation tool toward a new point (Glaveanu et al., 2020). In contrast, the West believes creativity is an ongoing process that revolves circularly regarding reconfiguring the starting and endpoints. However, the according to the Western cultural perception of creativity, it moves in a linear direction where transformation is not repetitive, and the binning of a particular milestone means the end of the previous one (Cortes et al., 2019). The people from the West believe that the charac...
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