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My Personality Based on the Big Five Personality Theory

Essay Instructions:

Big Five (Reflection Journal Guidelines)

You must submit this work as an attachment since it is in Drop Box format.

1. Complete TEXTBOOK Self-Assessment "The Big Five" pages 280-281. (in attachments) Please DOUBLE SPACE your paper. Please list Sections 1. , 2. , 3. in your paper. Points will be deducted for failure to follow instructions, grammar and spelling errors.

Please address the following questions in your response:

1. Tell me the results of the Self-Assessment (SA). (Do not repeat the instructions for the assessment). What did you discover about yourself? Please do not give me your score for each question. Please give me the total for each area. How does your total compare to the average?

2. Tell me your feelings concerning these findings. (agree, disagree/surprised or not surprised) Can be completed in a few sentences

3. Give me an example from your personal experience concerning the assessment findings. This should include a brief example for each of the Big Five areas. This is the major portion of the Reflection.

- Conscientiousness:

- Agreeableness:

- Neuroticism:

- Openness to Experience:

- Extraversion:

Make sure you cover all topics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discovering about oneself helps to achieve a life balance and helps in identifying whether am on the wrong or right path. This essay focuses on helping me identify whether am living according to the big five personality theory that describes the human nature and psyche. Self-assessment in my case it helps me to learn the new information about myself that I might not discover on the daily basis and as I acquire new skills.
This essay focuses on my personality based on the big five personality theory; conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, Openness to new experience and extraversion. It is important to analyze this from time to time to check if my personality is how I desire it to be. Self- assessment can be developed by doing the analysis frequently.
According to the results of the self-assessment, I have discovered that my conscientiousness is below the normal. A standard conscientious person rates at 13.5 while for me I do rate at a total of 10. From the analysis questions, I have assessed that I do not possess the trait of being careful or doing a task well.
Another discovery that I have made about myself is that my agreeableness is way above the average. The total agreeableness for an average person is at 16 while for me am at a total of 18.I have also learnt that I do exhibit lots of sympathies and am so mindful of others. Thus I can co-operate with others and work together easily as I can worry and put their feelings first before mine.
I can rarely fall into depression since I got a neuroticism assessment that is less that the average.My total assessment lies at eight while the normal average is at 10.This is proof that my personality can't be described by anxiety. I rarely do get moody or worried about anything. I have discovered that am emotionally stable, and I have a calm personality.<...
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