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Motivation in Catering for Business Growth Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Cumulative Reflective Essay (170 Points)
This two-part essay is an individual assignment. You may use your textbook and other course materials but may not discuss any aspect of this assignment or share ideas in any way with other MGMT 301 students (current, past, or future). Your grade on this essay will be based on the following criteria:
Complete response provided, addressing all required elements as described below.
Demonstration of understanding of the course concepts discussed.
Logical flow of essay – well organized, easy to follow. Use headings/sub-headings to organize your essay.
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling
Format Requirements:
 - 1 inch margins,
 - 12 pt Times New Roman font,
 - No more than 2 pages double spaced (no page limitation for each part)
 - Papers that exceed the page limit or do not follow these format guidelines will receive significant point deductions
 - Underline the course concepts you chose throughout your paper
The goal of this assignment is twofold:
Part 1 (100 Points)
Analyze ONE situation through the multiple lenses of analysis that we have discussed this semester. Choose a situation you have personally experienced in a work environment that is rich enough in complexity to fully address the elements of this essay. If you have not had a job, you may choose a situation involving volunteer work, participation in a student organization, or your experience on a team project. Because this class is about understanding behavior in the workplace, it is preferred that you choose a situation in the workplace or working with others in the context of an organization. Situations involving relationships with family members or friends are not appropriate for this assignment.
Your analysis must identify two course concepts (underline these in your paper) and all four levels of analysis (individual, group, organizational, and global) must be represented. Many concepts reflect multiple levels of analysis as noted in the lecture slides and syllabus. For each concept, be sure to clearly articulate:
 - The concept you are addressing,
The levels of analysis related to that concept, and
 - How an understanding of the concept helped you better interpret the situation and/or determine what actions to take next OR if you chose a situation in the past, what would have done differently with the knowledge you gained in this course?
"the two concept are Motivation and Improving Job Performance" please the attached files
"personal experience in my job: I work in the catering business, those two concept play an important role in my job" 
Part 2 (70 Points total, 35 points per example)
Provide feedback and analysis on your team experience in the course. Provide one example of a positive and one example of negative team-related behavior. For each example, make sure you thoroughly explain the behavior, and how it affected your team’s ability to efficiently and effectively function.
"we had a group project that had two assignments, we had good communication, we were able to do the assignments in good conditions. we never met in person, but we were able to finish our assignments on time with no issues. I enjoyed working with this team"
thank you and please let me know if you have any questions, I put additional information in "..."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cumulative Reflective Essay
Institution of Affiliation
Cumulative Reflective Essay
Motivation in catering for business growth
Business growth is a very challenging aspect of any new business in the market. Due to the challenges faced, one might decide to quit the business to another field. One needs to keep on moving on despite the challenges. This makes motivation for the business owners very significant. Catering is an area which is a very competitive sector of trade. To begin with, motivating begins with the individual powerful motivation. Catering entails interaction with other professionals, one is supposed to behave and work in a manner that motivates and increases the urge to grow in the business despite the challenges. Catering engages individual’s interaction in groups as they contact the catering business. There should be intergroup motivation. When each group works perfectly, for example, the cookery group, it motivates the serving team as there is no delay. Organizational and global motivation can also be applied in catering where the business individuals fight to acquire the organizational and global standards.
Improving individual performance to facilitate business growth in catering
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