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Moral Compass

Essay Instructions:

Week4: Moral Compass Essay


Foundation (Required)

-Thompson, L. Social Determinants. (2016 forthcoming). Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage. (PDF) (5 pages)

-Rushton, Cynda Hulton (2016). Moral Resilience: A Capacity for Navigating Moral Distress in Critical Care. AACN Advanced Critical Care, Volume 27, Number 1, pp. 111-119. (https://nacns(dot)org/managing-moral-distress/)

-Thompson, Lindsay. The Moral Compass: Leadership for a Free World. (Moral Compass Workbook) [textbook attached]. 2006. Pages 27-84.

-Jonathan Haidt: Three Stories about Capitalism. WORLD.MINDS Talk in Zurich, 2014. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iOu_8yoqZoQ&ab_channel=WORLD.MINDS


**prompt** (attached):

800-1500 WORDS. Five pages please: cover sheet, 4 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, plus a reference page, if applicable.

Be sure to include at least one paragraph for each of the following elements:

The Moral Compass Essay is based on your completed Moral Compass Workbook.  The essay should be written in first person narrative voice using clear, grammatically correct English.  Sources should be cited properly in APA format.

Be sure to include at least one paragraph for each of the following elements:

  1. INTRODUCTION:  What is your understanding of a moral compass? From which Wisdom Tradition(s) do you draw in constructing your own moral compass?
  2. MORAL VISION:  What symbol, song, image, or story represents your moral vision? Explain why you chose this representation and how it expresses your core values.
  3. MORAL CODE:  What are the rules or principles of your moral code? Explain how your moral code aligns most closely with a moral standpoint such as Kantian ethics or utilitarianism. Explain how your code aligns with your vision. 
  4. MORAL FITNESS: What practices constitute your moral fitness regimen? Explain how these practices align with and reinforce your moral vision and code.
  5. DEFINING MOMENT: What has been a key defining moment for you? Explain how this moral challenge has tested, clarified, and defined your character and values.  This is an important part of your essay because it demonstrates how you act on your values.
  6. MORAL CHALLENGES OF BUSINESS LEADERSHIP:  Drawing from the wisdom of your moral compass, how do you explain and respond to the moral challenges of leadership, globalization, knowledge capitalism, urbanization, and corporate value integrity? This is also an important part of your essay that demonstrates how you apply your values to the challenges and opportunities of business leadership.
  1. SUMMARY:  What is your key take-away for the moral compass assignment?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Moral Compass
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
A Moral Compass
In my opinion, a moral compass comprises the values, beliefs, customs, traditions, and code of ethics that guide people when deciding what is right or wrong. Indeed, it is the framework that helps individuals see the good in themselves and others. For example, people have different opinions when it comes to choosing what or who is good or not. However, the reflection of the moral compass is depicted in a person’s relationships, character, the impact that one has on the material and social environment, and decision-making (Thompson, 2006). The Wisdom Traditions that help me construct my moral compass are justice, peace, and equality. I like peace since it enables people to have the freedom of doing what they want, including making rational decisions. In addition, it promotes justice and equality in society.
Moral Vision
My symbol of moral vision is a white dove. Specifically, it is clear that moral vision can be expressed by a narrative, image, or myth and represent a person’s core values. My primary core values are justice, world peace, and equality. I believe that all humans are equal and that they should be treated with respect and dignity. A white dove reminds me of the importance of peace and justice in society. I cannot imagine a world with war. For instance, let’s assume the case of the Ukrainian war (World Values Survey, 2022). The question I ask myself multiple times is, does the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, sleep in peace knowing that he is responsible for the deaths of many people, including his soldiers? As such, if I was in Putin’s position, I would never get peace of mind knowing that there are people out there crying since their mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers died from the war I started. A white dove reminds me that world peace is crucial and that without it people are vulnerable to unjust and unequal actions.
Moral Code
I understand moral code as the set of principles that prescribe righteous or acceptable behavior. My moral code combines cultural, religious, social, physical, and environmental aspects. The following are the rules of my moral code:
I should treat others the way I would want to be handled.
I respect everyone, young or old, white or black, disabled or not, wealthy or poor, and Christian or non-Christian.
Justice and peace are my priority.
I interact and listen to all people without prejudice.
I preserve the environment.
I believe that people should be compensated based on the tasks they performed and regardless of their gender.
All humans should be treated with dignity and integrity.
My moral code aligns with utilitarianism. I always do good things that will benefit the majority of people. For instance, I would rather donate food to poor people instead of corporations that put their needs first and forget about the well-being of humanity. Additionally, my moral code aligns with my vision. More emphasis is given to peace, justice, and equality. I believe that these are the pillars of togetherness, harmony, teamwork, social, political, and economic growth and development. For instance, when there is war, people cannot engage in productive business activities, which leads to an economic crisis.
Moral Fitness
Moral fitness entails the moral agency’s spiritual aspect that reflects and expresses the values and vision of a person’s moral identity (Thompson, 2006). The practices that constitute my moral fitness regimen include self-love, love for humanity, peaceful interactions, health, equality, honesty, transparency, and violence-free society. They align and reinforce my moral code and vision. In particular, my moral fitness regimen echoes justice, equality, and world peace. For instance, when people are honest and transparent with each other, they minimize all the chances of conflicts, creating a peaceful society. Self-love is crucial, such as eating nutritious food and engaging in physical exercise regularly since it promotes self-confidence and self-esteem. Love for humanity is the cure to violence. Moreover, equality means that individuals are treated well whenever they go, making them feel loved, valued, and respected.
Defining Moment
My key defining moment was the beginning of last year when the Covid-19 pandemic had ravaged the entire world. Despite the government’s restrictions to combat the spread of this deadly viral disease, I was stressed since it was challenging to protect oneself and the fact that businesses, schools, hospitals, and churches did not function optimally. In reality, I have learned that as long as one is alive, challenges are inevitable, and the best way to overcome them is...
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